lager recipe

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Sep 25, 2010
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Hessle East Yorkshire
Does this look ok for a lager ? want to know what yeast to use though all the lager yeasts we have use in the past give that banana fruity taste. Would like a crisp clean taste for a change. Any suggestions?

Fermentable Colour lb: oz Grams Ratio
Lager Malt 2.5 EBC 8 lbs. 13.0 oz 4000 grams 80%
Wheat Malt 3.5 EBC 0 lbs. 14.0 oz 400 grams 8%
Flaked Maize 0 EBC 0 lbs. 7.0 oz 200 grams 4%
Munich Malt 20 EBC 0 lbs. 14.0 oz 400 grams 8%

Hop Variety Type Alpha Time lb: oz grams Ratio
Golding Whole 5.7 % 0 mins 0 lbs. 1.4 oz 40 grams 26.7%
Saaz Whole 3.3 % 90 mins 0 lbs. 1.1 oz 30 grams 20%
Hallertauer Hersbrucker Whole 2.9 % 20 mins 0 lbs. 1.4 oz 40 grams 26.7%
Hallertauer Mittlefruh Whole 4.3 % 50 mins 0 lbs. 1.4 oz 40 grams 26.7%

Final Volume: 20 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.056
Final Gravity: 1.013
Alcohol Content: 5.6% ABV
Total Liquor: 30 Litres
Mash Liquor: 15 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 37 EBU
Colour: 7 EBC
Thats very bitter for a lager, is that what you are aiming for? Id go fof about a third that, hahah.

Goldings seem excessive imo, saaz works very well for aroma on its own. Just my 2c :-)
can alter the ebu no problem goldings are nice in a lager they dont provide any ebu s as they go in first just taste. If you look in dave lines book some of the commercial lagers in there use goldings in their lagers
Oh yeah i know, but just making sure mark is aware of that in case :-) lager is generally very toned down but this is clearly a no holds barred recipe, fair play! :)
mark1964 said:
Does this look ok for a lager ? want to know what yeast to use though all the lager yeasts we have use in the past give that banana fruity taste. Would like a crisp clean taste for a change. Any suggestions?

I've been very pleased with WLP833 German Bock Lager Yeast; a nice balance of malt and hops, very clean. I haven't used it in a plain lager but have done a CAP and Helles, fermented at 9-12C, and am going to use it in an Oktoberfest coming up. S-23 is also good and I've never had any fruity flavours from it, usually ferment at 12-15C