Lager kit's

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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As far as I can gather you can't really make lager from a kit because to make lager properly you need to be able to control temperature and cool it etc.....
In that case what sort of beer do the kit't that claim to make lager actually make :hmm: .

I have stout (coopers) and bitter (wherry) brewing at the moment and need something for my third corny. Lager would be perfect but I have not yet done an AG brew and certainly not lager!

If I did a 'lager' kit Id want it to some out of the corny like it does in the pub - very carbonated and with a different head on than bitter has.

Not sure what to go for or how it would turn out.

John you are probably looking at the more expensive premium kits Muntons Continental Pilsner is one I like, and the Brupaks Beers Of the World are very good. . . with a wide range of styles. You may want to consider dry hopping with 15-20g of Hallertau or Saaz hops towards the end of primary to increase the hop notes.

As you say in order to do it properly you need to be able to control the temperatures, although not as low as you would expect. Using teh S-23 lager yeast you can ferment at 15C for two weeks and make a very clean tasting beer . . . . It would be marginally improved fermenting at 12C . .. but you woudl be looking at pitching two sachets of yeast.

As for dispense you would be looking to serve at around 2 volumes of CO2so carbonate at 15-20 psi (at 12C) . . . and use a length of 3/16 line to reduce the pressure drop to the tap so that foaming is minimal, and you keep the carbonation in the beer.

Of course if you really want make it like a pub lager (Carlsberg :sick: ) then you use a cheap beer kit, make double the volume it says, add a couple of kilos of sugar, server ice cold and crank the pressure up to 40psi using 70/30 mixed gas :lol:
Aleman said:
Of course if you really want make it like a pub lager (Carlsberg :sick: ) then you use a cheap beer kit, make double the volume it says, add a couple of kilos of sugar, server ice cold and crank the pressure up to 40psi using 70/30 mixed gas :lol:


:sick:, quite! Reminds me of my college day's when it was £1.25 a pint and smelt like farts :sick:

I meant the level of carbonation/head rather than taste :lol:.

Il look at some of the kits you mentioned. How would you maintain 15 degrees at home?

Coopers Canadian Blonde is a good lager kit, my brothers drink Stella when they are out, & clear me out when they call round :drunk: It comes out nicely from my King Keg, so you should get a better result from your corny :cheers:
cool. I fancy trying one of the premium kit's though.... How do you keep it at 15 degrees though when it ferments?
I'm still doing kits right now, so all I have to worry about is 21/27 C. It's almost always 12/15C in my cellar so I use a heat pad & polystyrene shims to warm things up :D
:) I have to confess that I'm more of a stout drinker :drink:, so I don't quite have the discerning palate, but both of the brothers say it's as good (&,in their case, cheap :lol: ) it is very good in my opinion :party:
Dont know about that but I wouldnt mind this canadian blonde..... I like the kit too!!!

:cheers: CS



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