Lager hydrometer reading 1010

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2010
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Hi all, currently doing my first ever brew (youngs lager) and the hydrometer is reading 1010 and has been for 3 days now. Its still bubbling away slowly. Its been going for 9 days now. Does it just need more time, or would it be ok to bottle now?

Great forum and i am learning alot from here :)


If the reading has not chnaged for 24 hours feel free to bottle, I always like to leave it a lttle longer as the yeast cleans the beer up after fermentation has finished, so your 3 days will be great.
checked it today and it dropped to 1006. Bottled it up and all looking good so far. Thanks for the advice prolix.

One more question, as i bottled it up, the lager did look a little cloudy. Will this clear up whilst in the bottle?
it will clear with time. But you might want to think about finnings to get it really bright and crash chilling to prevent chill haze. I use gelatine finings 24 hours before kegging, not sure about the chilling as I have not tried it myself.
to late for the finnings, its all bottled up. But something for future brews.

whats crash chilling?
to late for the finnings, its all bottled up. But something for future brews.
You may have a lot of sediment in your bottle come opening time but if you pour carefully you'll be alright :thumb:
whats crash chilling?
Once fermentation is over and the yeast has been left for a few extra days to mop up any diacetyl (toffee/butterscotch taste) which is a bi product of fermentation, you can crash cool the beer to say 2 deg c. Left at these temps for a few days or up to a few weeks, the cold temps help to settle out any substances in the beer which can cause haze when the beer is cold. It's more of an advanced method and it isn't really required when just starting out brewing :thumb: It can be done at this time of year for free courtesy of the weather but normally requires equipment to do.
hi there, i am currently doing my first brew with the same kit, i just took a hydrometer reading after 3 days and it came out as 1.012?
my first reading was 1.037. does this mean it is ready for secondary fermentation? or should i still leave it?