lager bottle conditioning

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Oct 13, 2020
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After what seems an age lagering I'll be bottling my lager batch in a couple of weeks. I'm wondering if I need to do anything different in bottle conditioning than I would a normal ale? or just batch prime as normal, bottle, wait a couple of weeks for carbonation to occur then drink?

How long did you lager? I have also done lager lagering (for bock), for six weeks to two months, in the winter in a cold garage. I made sure that bottle carbonation occurred by adding a bit of bottling yeast, CBC-1 in my case. You do not need to use as much yeast as the instructions say, try to use 1/4 to 1/2 of the recommended addition.

Temperature wise, just carbonate it at room temperature.
It will have been lagering for about 12 weeks I think by the time I bottle, in a fridge at about 1.5 deg C. Had heard about adding yeast but I got it as an AG kit from the Malt Miller and it didn't include any extra yeast for bottling but maybe those kits don't consider anything about packaging options.

So once you add the yeast how long to condition in the bottle and at what temp and do I also need to prime with sugar too?

It will have been lagering for about 12 weeks I think by the time I bottle, in a fridge at about 1.5 deg C. Had heard about adding yeast but I got it as an AG kit from the Malt Miller and it didn't include any extra yeast for bottling but maybe those kits don't consider anything about packaging options.

So once you add the yeast how long to condition in the bottle and at what temp and do I also need to prime with sugar too?

Just to complete everything:
  • Priming sugar: 7g/l
  • Carbonation in the bottle: take 14 days to be sure
  • Carbonation temperature: room temperature
Then just move your bottles into the fridge 24 hours before drinking, or stock up in your fridge ;-)
It will have been lagering for about 12 weeks I think by the time I bottle, in a fridge at about 1.5 deg C. Had heard about adding yeast but I got it as an AG kit from the Malt Miller and it didn't include any extra yeast for bottling but maybe those kits don't consider anything about packaging options.

So once you add the yeast how long to condition in the bottle and at what temp and do I also need to prime with sugar too?

I lagered a pilsner at that temperature for three months that carbed up fine without adding any yeast at bottling.