What's the deal with it? I'm not a big fan of very clean beer and wouldn't mind fruity esters in a lager, and would like to get a batch on ready for closer to christmas:-)
I wouldn't recommend a proper pilsner as you will probably end up with some full on faults rather than just getting some quirky esters. Also, there is not a cats chance that pilsner will be ready for this christmas.
You could try a Kolsch - its a lager style but using an ale yeast. A little bit more forgiving and should be drinkable earlier.
I agree with Callum wlp029 kolsch yeast from white labs is a winner it ferments between 18 and 23 deg c and we have used it a number of times. If you bottle it will clear quicker leaving a nice crisp beer with the taste of the noble hops shining through :thumb:
could pm you a decent kolsch recipe if your interested