I'm in for 2. Not sure what yet, almost certainly an IPA and something different.
Places are certainly going fast 66/300 in the first 50 mins.Thanks for the heads up @Hazelwood Brewery, looks like this will fill up quickly. 2 for me, a weissbier and a mixed style beer
Yes. Please enter, it's a great way to get feedback from people that are trained and qualified beer judges (or we've assessed as having an equivalent level of sensory feedback ability), and you might even win something!Is it open to anyone?
I had it in my calendar to send my entries to this on Friday 5th May but looking at the comp website now it seems they were accepting only to 28th April! Have I missed this?
2. Shipping and Drop-off
- ***Please ignore the shipping and drop-off window on the competition site from this point onwards.*** Due to a quirk in the software, the only way we can lock entries against further editing (see point 1) is to change the close date of the shipping and drop-off windows to a date in the past. For this reason these have now been set to 21-28 April. This is not the actual shipping/drop-off window.
- The actual shipping / drop-off window remains Friday 5th May - Thursday 11th May, 6:00pm.
- Entries can be sent by Royal Mail, couriered, or hand delivered to Hammerton during office/taproom opening hours.
- All entries must arrive by Thursday 11th May 6:00pm**. This is particularly important this year as due to planned rail strikes on 12/13 May, we may need to judge 1-2 tables on the evening of Thursday 11th May
- **For judges/competition staff judging/helping on Friday only, you can bring your entries on Friday 12 May by 6:00pm but you must email to inform me by Tuesday 9 May if you plan to do this or risk your beer not being judged (see previous point)
- The competition site contains an ‘entry received’ marker. You should ignore this/any changes to it to your entries. How the competition software is build vs. how we run the competition means that at a certain point we mark all entries as received, whether this is the case or not.
- Entrants living outside the UK should refer to my email sent several weeks ago for alternative shipping option for international entries.