Kits v's Extract?

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Feb 3, 2012
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Is there a significant difference between 2 can kits and extract?


In what way Andy?

Certainly from the perspective that you can create whatever style and flavour you want, there's a huge difference.

Quality wise, if you are using very fresh liquid malt or dry malt, then the resulting beer should taste better, without that twang you can get from kits.
extract is more fun and feels like you're brewing as opposed to just opening a can and adding water. You can experiment a lot more, choosing which hops to use etc...
fbsf said:
In what way Andy?

Certainly from the perspective that you can create whatever style and flavour you want, there's a huge difference.

Quality wise, if you are using very fresh liquid malt or dry malt, then the resulting beer should taste better, without that twang you can get from kits.

I thought the malt makes a difference to the brew too, not just the hops!
Just about to move to extract but from the kits that I have added extra hops and malts, extract is sure to be an improvment on kits and slightly cheaper :thumb:
Andyhull said:
I thought the malt makes a difference to the brew too, not just the hops!

Indeed it does - you can choose different types of liquid/dry malts (light, medium, dark, wheat etc), and if you want to take it further, you can also steep other malts such as chocolate or crystal to get different colours.
alanywiseman said:
Just about to move to extract but from the kits that I have added extra hops and malts, extract is sure to be an improvment on kits and slightly cheaper :thumb:

I have looked into this but couldn't see that there would be that much difference from kits!
I'm all set up to go AG now anyhow but havn't got the time to do it just yet (and i got 3 woodfordes kits for £13.99 each)

The only thing you need extra to go AG from extract is a mashtun or BIAB bag and they're easy to make!
fbsf said:
Andyhull said:
I thought the malt makes a difference to the brew too, not just the hops!

Indeed it does - you can choose different types of liquid/dry malts (light, medium, dark, wheat etc), and if you want to take it further, you can also steep other malts such as chocolate or crystal to get different colours.

Sorry must have posted at the same time!

I didn't think about adding/mashing extra grains, but if your doing that might'n you just do a full mash of grains in a cool box?
Not necessarily - a 30min steep is normally enough as you are looking for flavour/colour not sugar extraction, and that can be done whilst the extract is coming up to the boil, saving quite a lot of time over a full mash.

However, once you have gone AG - be it BIAB or mashtun - the chances are that you won't go back to kits or extract very often, if at all. It's a bit longer a brewday, but the results are very worth it...
Ahh, yor after flavours/colurs from the extra grain not fermentables as you already have the sugars from the extract.
I get it now :oops:

Yes this would save mashing time :thumb:
Andyhull said:
I have looked into this but couldn't see that there would be that much difference from kits!
I'm all set up to go AG now anyhow but havn't got the time to do it just yet (and i got 3 woodfordes kits for £13.99 each)

Beg to differ - I think there's a significant step up moving to Extract from 2 can kits. Had some good 2 can kits, but they''ve never had that "wow" factor. Still do them from time to time (especially Wherry) but mainly 'cos they're quick to do when you don't have much time, and make a half-decent session ale.

On the other hand, all the Extract brews I've done have been superb, with several being exceptional - as good as any beer I've had in a decent real ale pub or beer festival. So much so that I hardly visit the pub anymore, as 9 times out of 10 I end up with an inferior pint :( I know AG is the logical progression from here, but I can't see how it'll get any better, or is more versatility the primary reason to moving to AG?

So give Extract a go if you're tempted, you won't be disappointed. :D
Andyhull said:
alanywiseman said:
Just about to move to extract but from the kits that I have added extra hops and malts, extract is sure to be an improvment on kits and slightly cheaper :thumb:

I have looked into this but couldn't see that there would be that much difference from kits!
I'm all set up to go AG now anyhow but havn't got the time to do it just yet (and i got 3 woodfordes kits for £13.99 each)

The only thing you need extra to go AG from extract is a mashtun or BIAB bag and they're easy to make!

AG is a wee while away for me. Lack of space is the main reason but I will get there when we move and buy a berwery that comes with a house :D
I'll be moving on to AG and bypassing extrac.
I wasn't saying that it wasn't any better than kits my original post was to ask that exact question, is there a significant difference, and by the sounds of it there is :lol:
Andyhull said:
I'll be moving on to AG and bypassing extrac.
I wasn't saying that it wasn't any better than kits my original post was to ask that exact question, is there a significant difference, and by the sounds of it there is :lol:

I hope ther is. Will let you know after I have done one :thumb:
I found a good difference between kits and extract (although it was only a basic recipe with no steeped grains), and another step up when I moved to the dark side.

Saying that, I mainly moved to AG because it's a darn site cheaper for me as I buy my pale malt in 25kg sacks from Rob @ the Malt Miller, so instead of using £10 of dry malt per brew, I'm using £4-5 of Maris Otter. Obviously the other costs - speciality malts, hops and yeast - are generally the same.

I mainly BIAB so all I had to do was get my mum to run up a net curtain bag. That sounds as if I'm 12, I know, but she is handy with the sewing machine, so both the missus and I were happy to let her carry on!

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