"Kingpin" Wed 27/08 (forum brew)

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Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
Well this is what I'll be brewing tomorrow as my 'forum brew', it may be disqualified as I'm going to be using bobeks instead of styrians :roll: , i'm looking for a pale/golden middle the road premium bitter ~4.2%abv with lots of citus flavour and aroma.

Batchsize 50L
Brewhouse Efficiency 70%
Target OG 1.044
Target IBU ~32
Mash : 1 hour 67 degrees
Boil : 1 hour
9'800g Marris Otter (98%)
200g Crystal (2%)
74g Challenger 7%aa (First Wort Hop) (~29IBU)
20g Bobeks 5%aa at 15 mins (~2 IBU)
20g Bobeks 5%aa at 5 mins (~1 IBU)
40g Bobeks 5%aa Steeped for 30 mins at 80 degrees

This is the first time that I will have used a liquid yeast, I'm fermenting this wil WLP007 which I believe is a dry bitter yeast, will be interesting to see how it turns out.

Just got to weigh out the grains tonight and get the water prepped :D

PS - The name has been chosen by my eldest daughter, we took her tenpin bowling for the first time today :cool:
:lol: :lol:

Great :thumb:

I hope the yeast is up to expectations :)
And we're off :D

45 mins left of the mash and the sparge water is heating up right now :cool:
Bobo said:
really must learn to AG Brew

Its not as daunting as it sounds, the time it takes can be an issue, today I'm doing a 1 hour mash and 1 hour boil started the day at 13:45 and I expect to be done and dusted with the yeast pitched by 19:30 tonight.
Personally most of the time I follow recipes from books but may tinker with them a bit, making subtle changes to my preferences.
the bit that gets me is how do you choose grain and what quantities of each to use?

When first staring AG just do a recipe from a book, like Wez says. You can always say what kind off beer you like and one of us will be able to come up with a tried and tested recipe for you ;)

Hope you've taken pics Wez, and that all's going well :cool:
Just about to add the 80 degree steep hops :)

No pics today :oops: i've been juggling kids etc whilst brewing :roll:

I'll get a pic in a trial jar when it's done :thumb:
Good luck with the brew Wez . . . Seeing all these Group brew brewday threads means I need to get my finger out and sort one . . . . and the femtobrewery isn't ready for production . . . Might have to dig out the Electrim bin, and go back to lo tech for this :D

Bobo said:
the bit that gets me is how do you choose grain and what quantities of each to use?

Like many I started out with recipes from the books, then as I learned more about styles I started modifying them myself, as I became more experienced I learned what flavours the various malts and hops contributed, and can now come up with pretty good recipes on the fly.

I would recommend Ray Daniels Designing great beers as a good backgrounder . . .once you have a good brewing technique . . . no point in delving into too much theory before you have the technique right
Some efficiency issues again, this time I think I had bad calcs for my batch sparging and ended up with 10L more than I could fit in the boiler. :wha: That will now be wort for starters :roll:

Target was 50L at 1.044 got 43L at 1.042 :shock: :oops:

Ah well :lol:

WLP007 pitched, looking forward to it getting going :cool:

All wrapped up by 19:30 - lamb in the oven, what shall I do for an hour and a half :hmm: :drink: :party:
What the fcuk is going on in my FV?

Both blowing like a cheap hooker, but look!

Thats break material that is suspended cause its trapped yeast and is made buoyant by the CO2. :)
Will it be OK by tomorrow :?:

If the answer is no, please can you say yes :D

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