Kenridge 4week wine Shiraz.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
East Grinstead
Hi All,

just bagged my 1st 6 litres of red and i have a few minor problems which i hope you all can give me a few pointers on.

the wine is a good colour and very clear although there is a strange aftertaste that i cant quite identify. its either a musty taste or something left behind from the very light "fizz" or mild carbonation.

The flavour isnt unpleasant but is more like a light beaujolais than the shiraz its supposed to be.

can anyone help?
is that where you whirl your plastic tube about in the DJ? there werent any bubbles when racked and followed package insttructions.
just shook the 6ltr wine bag and the slight fizz has dispersed and has considerably improved the brew.

Thanks for the assistance. Great forum.

i think i'll do Gin next
If you only just bagged it (I assume thats plastic bags like they use for box wines?) the taste isn't going to have developed fully.

The slight fizz might just be down to not degassing enough or it could be that the fermenation hadn't completely finished. I would certainly check the bag every day or so, just to be sure its not ballooning (unless they have a pressure cap of some kind).

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