If the price point of the Thermentor King once it reaches the UK is lower than the cost of setting up a ferm fridge, I may well be very interested. I'm seriously limited for space (my wife nicked more space during the lockdown here when we ended up with a 2nd fridge-freezer for food, but on the plus size she stopped complaining about me using a draw for hops.... lol), the con would be been limited to only using it with FK fermentors (I use a 30L Speidel too as it's just such a good FV).

Oh, the as loud as a PC, well my PC has 5 120mm case fans set on a fan curve that ramps up when the CPU and GPU are under load, it can get pretty loud (I wear a headset when gaming), so should I assume you mean an idling PC with only a couple of fans?
@foxy , ahh to have the space to have an FV sat empty waiting for me to dry hop in it..... If I make a space, my wife fills it, she always asks first, but I don't have the heart to say no...