Well-Known Member
ive just started to build one of these today, ive powered it up from the battery found the ssid but getting connection refused when logging in using a mac and an android phone any suggestions?
It was very satisfying when it worked. As soon as I closed the terminal though I wished I’d saved the text so I had a record of what I’d done.That's great info thank you pottsworth I just need to prize the Mac off my wife so I can give it a go! I was hoping to get it working by today as I've been busy brewing an American Hbc on the grainfather and wanted to keep a close eye on fermentaion as I've never brewed a lager before.
I’ll have a look tonight and see if I can work out what I did, but pretty sure I used a sudo command to install it from terminalI've downloaded pyserial 3.4 and unpacked it but it doesn't allow me to run it. My Mac is running python 2.7