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New Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Hello guys I am located at Costa Rica, Central America. Just now I made one batch of Ale starting from a Beer Kit , brand Muntons and label as PILSNER. It went really great, taking in consideration that my room temp in Celsius always remain above 27 and below 29.
But last saturday I attempt to make beer from 11,5 pounds of Pale and one pound of 15L Caramel Malt, using 2 types of hops and SafLager S-23 for a total volume of 4,5 gal.
I follow all the instructions but then I realized that I only use 11.5 grams of yeast instead of 23 grams, since my fermentation inside freezer ( with temp control) will proceed at 15 Celsius +- 2 Celsius.
I add the yeast (previously dissolved in 150 ml of water) at 20 Celsius
When I remove the wort I went from 91 Celsius (Boiling point) to 20 Celsius in 3 minutes.
Original Gravity 1.03
The Problem:
Since last saturday at 5 PM until now I had not see any bubbles arising from fermentation bin through the AIR LOCK.
So yesterday I decided to load 11.5 grams more of SafLager S-23 through the fitting hole for the AIR LOCK, even with that I had not notice any activity.
Guys I need to know if it will be wise to open the fermentation bin and take a measure of Specific Gravity and also notice if there is signs of bacterial activity rather than yeast by products ???

I will really appreciated all of your comments

Franklin Benamburg
Hi Frank , welcome to the forum , you seem to be doing well on the beer making :thumb: , i would check fv by testing as it's possible the yeast is faulty but often no airlock is just because the fv isn't sealed . Looking for foam, it is often a good sign but lagers can be slow and boring brews to look at .Good luck with it .
Thanks for all of your comments I will keep an eye on my batch for some more days and then see what happen