Infection... TCP ?

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Jul 27, 2008
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What is it that causes the infection which leaves a TCP taste in beer, this is what I lost a fermenter of Thirst Gold to so i'd like to know what casued it.

Anyone know?
Isn't that one of the phenolic infections? Its questions like this that you really want Aleman to pop in. :lol:
TCP taste is usually caused by a reaction between a substance in the hop extract and chlorine in your water, phenols and chlorine spring to mind.
I fell foul of this when first brewing :oops:

Not sure about other causes...but I have a link somewhere :hmm:
Dunfie said:
Isn't that one of the phenolic infections? Its questions like this that you really want Aleman to pop in. :lol:
You mean like this

The vast majority of TCP tastes in home brewing are caused by infection with Klebsiella terrigina, or Klebsiella oxytoca both produce phenolic off-flavours. They are very common. The former is present in standing water and soil, the other is a gut-bacteria that we all have, so it would be very easy to infect the beer with the stuff. (*)

Definite signs of poor personal hygiene if you ever have an infection from these sources :sick:

(*) Source GW - JBK