I have just bought an induction hob primarily for boiling wort. Formerly I used bottled LPG but now my home is run off solar power I have excess electricity when the sun shines, almost every day, so I decided that it was worth a try. If I don’t use it for beer SWMBO can use it in kitchen.
Will the induction hob bring 20L of water to boil in my kettle, with lid off, and maintain it for 1 hour?
Cheap Induction heater (XTREME XH-IC2100). 230v 2,100W. About £30. Set to max, 2,100W, for whole time.
Kettle - magnetic stainless steel capacity 70L.
First attempt: Tripped out extension lead before it reached boil.
Second attempt: Time to reach boiling 120 minutes.
95min - 85C
100min - 88C Put lid on.
120min - boiling vigorously. It may have started earlier, but non transparent lid was on.
Initial volume 20L, Final volume 15L.
Note that I live in a tropical climate and the air temperature today is 30C.
While it is slow to get to the boil, I don’t think this matters too much. Boil could not be described as vigorous rolling boil. It costs me nothing but time. Is the boil vigorous enough, remains to be seen. Most pundits state that a “vigorous rolling boil” is required, I am not certain of the validity of this statement. If the water is boiling, no matter how weakly it is by definition at 100C. A vigorous rolling boil is at the same temperature, no higher, but has more movement in the body of the liquid which would keep the hops in motion. My thought, but with no supporting evidence, is that temperature is far more important than motion.
With lid on DMS may be trapped in kettle, but once removed for the boiling phase the DMS should be boiled off unless it combines with other compounds.
Are evaporation (boiling) losses related to DMS reduction? If so then, even though the boil isn’t as vigorous, the additional time for the whole process will probably mean that DMS won’t be a problem. My boil losses are about the same with this method (about 30%) than the gas fired boil (about 28%)
Simple answer - Yes.
Slow to get there but reasonable boil maintained for 1 hr.
Maybe put some holes in lid or have it on for the getting up to temperature phase?
Looking forward to your comments and of course doing my first real batch next week.