Income/wealth inequality in the UK

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Like it or not ...Margret Thatcher our last truly great PM...

3 The good samaritan was given as an example of who is my neibour in the context of love your neighbour as yourself using a hated people group (the samaritans) to demonstrate who is your neighbour. How do you get anything about wealth in it?...........

Oh dear! Yet another person who doesn't understand that even today "interfering with the will of God" can have dire consequences in some countries.

Like most people you are missing the real point of WHY the Good Samaritan was so "good" and why many countries have instigated a "Good Samaritan Law".

In the days when the parable was put forward whether or not the man in the ditch recovered would have been classed as "the will of God".

The Samaritan, by helping the man in the ditch was therefore "interfering with the will of God" and he was laying himself open to take on ALL of the responsibilities of the victim IF the man failed to recover.

"ALL responsibilities" means all of the victims family commitments and all of his monetary and other debts; that's why it relates to wealth.

I suggest that you read the attached explanation of what a "Good Samaritan Law" is ...


The five elements that you "totally agree with" are from the Koran; which is yet another religious text that abhors the hoarding of wealth ... :thumb:

... and the hoarding of wealth is exactly why "The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer"; and why there is such massive inequality in the UK.

I rest my case! :thumb:


Working in Saudi Arabia back in 1982 an Egyptian tanker driver spilled 5,000 gallons of diesel oil along a two mile stretch of main road in Riyadh where I was living.

The accidents caused by the oil-spill killed about five people and wrote off numerous cars.

The accident occurred on the Wednesday and the driver was beheaded on the Friday.

A Saudi work colleague explained "It was better that he should die. He could never have afforded to support the families of the persons who died because of his negligence."

I don't think Saudi Arabia has a "Good Samaritan Law"!:whistle:
Sorry I still don't understand hoe the biblical parable of the good Samaritan is at all linked to wealth, noone in it is described as wealthy or poor and the only money mentioned is 2 denari given to an inn keeper. Also the good Samaritan law you linked to seems to protect people who act like the Samaritan but has nothing to do with the biblical parable or wealth inequality. When you say "he was laying himself open to take on ALL of the responsibilities of the victim IF the man failed to recover." I am interested as I never heard this before where did you get this from?
Sorry I still don't understand hoe the biblical parable of the good Samaritan is at all linked to wealth, noone in it is described as wealthy or poor and the only money mentioned is 2 denari given to an inn keeper. Also the good Samaritan law you linked to seems to protect people who act like the Samaritan but has nothing to do with the biblical parable or wealth inequality. When you say "he was laying himself open to take on ALL of the responsibilities of the victim IF the man failed to recover." I am interested as I never heard this before where did you get this from?

As my Mum used to say "There's none as deaf as those that don't want to hear."

I lived and worked for many years in the areas where Jesus set out his parables. Anyone who goes out to the Middle East will soon become acquainted with the social mores of the area and see for themselves the fatalism that accompanies acceptance of "the will of God"; and they had better acquaint themselves with the responsibilities that they take on if they go to the assistance of others.

There doesn't even have to be what we would consider a "bad outcome" and to illustrate this I give you an incident that occurred in Tehran during 1978.

A man digging a ditch in the road looked up and saw that a lady wearing a short skirt was leaning over a fruit and vegetables stall. He also saw that the lady was wearing no underwear!

Filled with passion, the ditch digger leapt up, bent the lady over the stall and proceeded to rape her in full view of the stall-holder. The lady screamed and the stall-holder, seeing her predicament, hit the potential rapist over the head with a one-kilo brass weight.

The ditch digger was knocked unconscious, the rape ceased, the police arrived and the outcome was that the stall-holder was taken to court for assault; where he was fined for attacking the ditch digger!

The logic behind this (given by the Judge in his summing up) was:

1. The woman should have known better than to go out without being decently dressed and had virtually encouraged the attack.

2. The ditch digger was doing what any hot-blooded male would do when presented with such an opportunity. His actions were therefore to be expected and he was to be compensated for his injuries.

3. The stall-holder took upon himself to interfere with the situation and therefore HE was responsible for HIS actions. The fine was imposed and paid as compensation to the ditch digger.

Linking wealth to the tale of the Good Samaritan? The fine imposed by the Judge took away some of the "wealth" possessed by the stall-holder. In the case of the Good Samaritan, caring for the victim's family would have been much more onerous and could have lasted the rest of his life.

The laws and social mores are NOT the same all over the world and the banner at the top of the linked article states ...

"The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject."
In the parable of the good Samaritan it doesn't even say the man had a family, the person who helped him wasn't someone who harmed him like in your example from Iran in the times of there revolution.
Exactly the rich need poorer people to work for them or there companies and the poor need rich peoples companies to give them jobs so there lives improve and though the rich get richer the poor also get richer but at a slower rate.


Corporate & individual criminality
Rigged systems
Bribery & corruption
Pollution & long-standing environmental damage
long, long list

poor people tend to be one end of this...
Originally Posted by aj65 View Post
Like it or not ...Margret Thatcher our last truly great PM...

I beg to differ -

During my training on economics long ago we had to understand the 'theory of the firm' - Businesses exist to make money and profit as their prime objective and sadly govt fiscal planning still uses this concept. Sadly it is also still a load of tosh. Anyway, I ended up working in local govt for 25 years and eventually realised that life and happiness should be a priority when life is finite. Packed LG in and took a risk running a business for a change.
However, businesses can exist in many differing forms than the original simplistic case. For example we have run very nicely for the last 11 years with the business ethos that our work gives us the opportunity to enjoy our pastimes to the maximum. As long as you have health and sufficient money to do that, we are happy shutting the business and enjoying life to the max.
A pig farmer from the north yorks who diversified to running a small airport once said his mantra was JFDI. It's still mine!

PM = Posturing Megalomaniac?
Like it or not ...Margret Thatcher our last truly great PM...

I really did think it was a joke! :doh:

If you seriously consider that your verdict is correct, I suggest that you nip along to the Pleasley Miners Welfare Institute (the village is just North of Mansfield), stand on the bar and shout out your belief.

I'm pretty sure that someone will let you know that a lot of people don't actually agree with you. :whistle:


Ever hear about the coloured gentleman who arrived at the Pearly Gates where St. Peter denied him entrance!

"Why?" he asked "Is it because I'm coloured?" "Yes. Absolutely." was the reply.

The man didn't know what to do and then, looking through the bars in the gate, he saw a coloured man walking along the tops of the clouds and pointed him out to St. Peter. "Ah yes." said St. Peter. "We do let in some very special coloured people. That man is Nelson Mandella and he did wonders for the coloured people of South Africa."

"There's another one!" screamed the man "Oh, that's Jesse Owens. He won gold at the Olympics in Berlin and really put Hitler's nose out of joint."

He paused. "The thing is, if a coloured person is famous and has managed to promote the interests of coloured people then we do allow him into heaven."

"Aha!" cried the man "I'm famous and I have moved forward the cause of the coloured fraternity like never before."

St. Peter consulted a huge book in front of him and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but I have never heard of you/" he said.

"Well look again." said the man "I am the ***** that married the daughter of the leader of the Ku-Klux-Klan in Alabama!" and threw his chest out with pride.

St. Peter looked at the book again and said "When did this happen?"

"About ten minutes ago." was the reply. :whistle: :whistle:
I really did think it was a joke! :doh:

If you seriously consider that your verdict is correct, I suggest that you nip along to the Pleasley Miners Welfare Institute (the village is just North of Mansfield), stand on the bar and shout out your belief.

I'm pretty sure that someone will let you know that a lot of people don't actually agree with you. :whistle:


Ever hear about the coloured gentleman who arrived at the Pearly Gates where St. Peter denied him entrance!

"Why?" he asked "Is it because I'm coloured?" "Yes. Absolutely." was the reply.

The man didn't know what to do and then, looking through the bars in the gate, he saw a coloured man walking along the tops of the clouds and pointed him out to St. Peter. "Ah yes." said St. Peter. "We do let in some very special coloured people. That man is Nelson Mandella and he did wonders for the coloured people of South Africa."

"There's another one!" screamed the man "Oh, that's Jesse Owens. He won gold at the Olympics in Berlin and really put Hitler's nose out of joint."

He paused. "The thing is, if a coloured person is famous and has managed to promote the interests of coloured people then we do allow him into heaven."

"Aha!" cried the man "I'm famous and I have moved forward the cause of the coloured fraternity like never before."

St. Peter consulted a huge book in front of him and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but I have never heard of you/" he said.

"Well look again." said the man "I am the ***** that married the daughter of the leader of the Ku-Klux-Klan in Alabama!" and threw his chest out with pride.

St. Peter looked at the book again and said "When did this happen?"

"About ten minutes ago." was the reply. :whistle: :whistle:
Obviously a north south divide ... maybe I should start a thread "who was the last great PM".
Everyone thinks it's a joke but are not offering up an alternative.
I would like to know your idea of a great PM, within our lifetime would be good as reading a book about one is not the same as living in their time.
Hopefully I can have as much of a laugh as some of my fellow brewers :-)
As far as I can remember,during my life time, they've all been dreadful. As for Thatcher I can only say as I seen....communities, jobs,lives destroyed. ...because she could...


Obviously a north south divide ... maybe I should start a thread "who was the last great PM".
Everyone thinks it's a joke but are not offering up an alternative.

Well here's one -

As far as I can remember,during my life time, they've all been dreadful. As for Thatcher I can only say as I seen....communities, jobs,lives destroyed. ...because she could...
Damn right.That woman has a lot to answer for and is resposible for all that is bad in our present self centered greedy society.
IMHO,John Smith the labour leader that was,would have made an excellent PM:thumb:
I agree and I wish Andy Burnham had got the job instead of the worse of the Millibands as I think he will be an excellent PM one day.

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