In my opinion - Dogs on leads.

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Should dogs be kept on leads in all public areas

  • Yes

  • No

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NB the problem with dog only areas where you can let your dog run free is some dogs get on with others and some are vicious.
Which is one reason why dog parks are not a universal solution. But having experienced them in the US, splitting into two with an area for small/timid dogs generally works quite well. There was only one where we ever had any real problems, which was a shame as it was one of the "best" as a space, but we just didn't go there again.
To be a dog owner is not hard it's common sense, so owner training should be the order of the day along with obedience training for doggo, followed by an exam, owner training then get a dog obedience training then exam, also proof you have the means to look after the doggo ie vet bills feeding, a lot of people get a pooch without a clue what it costs to look after it, take our dog she is a fussy with food took us almost 2 years to sort her, now she has James wellbeloved small dog lamb kibble with boiled chicken or fresh salmon with a small amount of warm water being small 6kg it is not much compared to say a lab.

I'm a strong advocate for a licence being required, not only for the safety of others, but also so that dogs would be less likely to fall into the hands of people who are manifestly unsuitable owners.
To be a dog owner is not hard it's common sense, so owner training should be the order of the day along with obedience training for doggo, followed by an exam, owner training then get a dog obedience training then exam, also proof you have the means to look after the doggo ie vet bills feeding, a lot of people get a pooch without a clue what it costs to look after it, take our dog she is a fussy with food took us almost 2 years to sort her, now she has James wellbeloved small dog lamb kibble with boiled chicken or fresh salmon with a small amount of warm water being small 6kg it is not much compared to say a lab.
That’s a well fed pampered pooch there dog would be treated like my kids regarding food. If it’s put out for you and you don’t like it starve 😂😂
I disagree. People who are using big dogs and training them to be aggressive are not going to buy a dog licence.

No, but the threat of prosecution for possessing a dog with no licence might act as a deterrent. With legislation like this, you should really let perfection be the enemy of the good. It would be akin to saying that there is no point in speed limits, because some people are going to speed.
No, but the threat of prosecution for possessing a dog with no licence might act as a deterrent. With legislation like this, you should really let perfection be the enemy of the good. It would be akin to saying that there is no point in speed limits, because some people are going to speed.
In a perfect world, that would certainly be the case, I can only speak for what I've seen first hand but there is zero policing when it comes to dog legislation.

A couple of years ago, doing the school run, there were often parents standing at the gates with barely controlled pit bull types, now and again there would be a copper lingering around and often petting the dogs which were assured to be 'staffie crosses' rather than banned breeds and 'totally harmless' despite snarling at passing children. On the very few occasions that I spoke up about maybe not endangering the lives of small children, I was met with torrents of abuse from the owner and death stares from the cops/hobby bobbies.

Speeding is policed heavily, dogs are not, there's usually a political agenda behind such flagrant cherry picking of which laws to enforce.
Bring back dog licences that would stop a lot of chavs buying big dogs and training them to be aggressive.

Oops didn't read DSD2's post below before i posted.

Brew DD2 - I'm a strong advocate for a licence being required, not only for the safety of others, but also so that dogs would be less likely to fall into the hands of people who are manifestly unsuitable owners.
I disagree. People who are using big dogs and training them to be aggressive are not going to buy a dog licence.

The licence fee could pay for dog wardens chavs with devil dogs would be an easy spot and i would imagine neighbours of these idiots world be queuing up to grass them up.
The knobs with dogs is an easy long as the ones handing out the fine doesn't get mauled! There's thousands of big nasty dogs out there...some don't even know it yet.
Chap works with me is off long term after his dog took a dislike to one of his kids...he intervened and the dog absolutely savaged him.
I will follow that with my rant

A few people have already phoned in saying their dogs are friendly so they should be allowed to run free what these owners don't get is there some people like me do not like dogs I was bitten a few years ago and now have a fear of dogs I don't want your little ball of hair running towards me jumping up and putting dirty paws on my clothes when I am out enjoying a walk if you want to let your dog run free find somewhere where you are not going to bother anyone.

On a positive note some owners phoned in and said you can now rent dog exercise areas by the half hour whee you can let your dog run free, a good business idea and it solves a problem not often discussed.
That's not feasible. It's taken a number of years for someone to be able to find the right land to be able to do this.
They have 2 fields and it's really not cheap.

Not to mention, that 2 fields for around 90,000 residents isn't really enough. All of the slots are taken up by professional dog walkers.

I see both sides of the argument, particularly those in fear.

Personally, my fear is wasps. I'm scared stupid of them. I'd like to vote for putting leads on wasps.