In my opinion - Dogs on leads.

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Should dogs be kept on leads in all public areas

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Oh that's a good point Loiner.
My dog is absolutely horrid to other dogs when on the lead. She lunges and barks (but doesn't bite - she's a Sprocker and it's not really in their vocabulary). But it's a reaction thing.

Off the lead she neither barks nor shows any aggression and runs away squealing if anything lunges at her.
I have a beagle. A lead is essential at all times. She wants everyone to be her friend and gets upset when people ignore her when out for a walk.
I’m very aware of the fact that not all people like dogs or know certain breeds personalities so always keep the extendy lead short when passing people when out for a walk. If I let her off the lead her recall only lasts for as long as she dosnt pick up a good smell and heads off in search of the source.
I hate being out for a walk with her and a yappy ball of hair and teeth looks to pick a fight it can’t win. I have no problem telling the owner to control their dog or I will drop kick it as far as I can and score a point for Donegal like a gaa final.
Bang, over the bar.
I think in some ways it's a shame, i'm happy to see dogs running around having fun but we had an issue where a big dog jumped up at my (then 6yr old) daughter, both paws on her shoulders and playfully licked her face. I was distracted and missed it happening but she screamed and screamed and it's taken literally years for her to be comfortable going to the beach again and is still scared of dogs.
Oh that's a good point Loiner.
My dog is absolutely horrid to other dogs when on the lead. She lunges and barks (but doesn't bite - she's a Sprocker and it's not really in their vocabulary). But it's a reaction thing.

Off the lead she neither barks nor shows any aggression and runs away squealing if anything lunges at her.
I have a Sprocker too, she is a lovely dog but a nightmare for pulling on the lead!
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I have a Sprocker too, she is a lovely dog but a nightmare for pulling on the lead!
Hi Gav, try a harness with a short lead that clips on in between the shoulders, when the dog pulls pull up so it's front legs are off the floor and stop walking for a minute, it worked with our JRT
And here's the thing with mine. She absolutely does this. Yet if I let her off the lead, she won't go more than 10 feet from me.
She used to be like that when she was a puppy, I could walk her round a disused quarry near me and then back down road to my house off lead and she would walk by my side ... Then she got older and more confident 🤦
Taking our 3 out,Pip the JRT has to be in the lead coz in her head she's in charge. Holly is scared of her own shadow and likes to stay in the middle,Boo at the back follows regardless as she's totally blind.
First time I've seen this thread. We have a large field where we keep a few sheep and a pony, it also has a public footpath running through it so we have signs saying dogs must be kept on lead on the gates either end.
Our dogs are always on a lead because some people don't like dogs. We have had several instances of sheep worring and even our own dogs attacked by loose dogs. Still we see loose dogs in there and the owners all say our dog is fine with livestock. Needless to say I put them straight pretty quickly.
First time I've seen this thread. We have a large field where we keep a few sheep and a pony, it also has a public footpath running through it so we have signs saying dogs must be kept on lead on the gates either end.
Our dogs are always on a lead because some people don't like dogs. We have had several instances of sheep worring and even our own dogs attacked by loose dogs. Still we see loose dogs in there and the owners all say our dog is fine with livestock. Needless to say I put them straight pretty quickly.

Similar, I came home one day a month or two ago and there was an enormous dog (not sure what breed) trying to get in at my chickens.

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