Im going to do going all grain!!!recipe needed

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Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Essex, UK

I was going to hold off until I actually move into the house, but with work on it over running , I cannot wait any longer.

I am going to be putting in an order online for a couple of cider kits to keep my partner happy, I figure that way she wont moan at me for spening money on beer related stuff, rather that house related stuff. (plus its christmas soon, so I think I should treat myself)

I think I am going to try BIAB for my first AG, and I really want to make a chocolate stout.

I think I have all the equiptment needed, just about to order a grain bag so I figure I may as well get an order in soon for all the grains etc.

I have seen this recipe and thought it sounded quite nice, can anyone offer any help on my first AG? or could anyone provide me with a recipe for a nice chocolate stout? I am aiming to get my order in this weekend with one of our sponsors, and hope to brew over chirstmas, or possibly in the next two weeks...however I will be going to the Rochford beer an cider festival in two weeks time so probably wont be in any fit state to do so!

If anyone has any pointers etc, that would be great. I will be brewing in my baby burco which I picked up for £1 at a bootsale, think its 7.5G from memory. I do have a couple of coolers I could convert to mash tuns though, one is a 28L thermos, and the other is the 32L cooler tesco sale.

Sorry to ramble, but I have had a few already!

Cheers :cheers:
Just go for it :)
My first AG biab in a 5gallon to the brim burco was a comedy of errors, anything i could do wrong i did do wrong, i spilt grain into the wort, i over filled and splashed boil everywhere and chucked the wrong amount of hops in.... and the beer was lipsmackingly superb ;)

have a good brewday...
That's great, thanks for the info guys!! I shall be placing my order this weekend for my grains etc... I wonder how much of a learning curve this will end up being haha
Rich , from your photos it looks so simple! This is encouraging to me, as it looks like even I could do it! Cheers :cheers:
When you're practised it's as easy as baking a cake (or a loaf of bread as we prefer here.) doesn't feel easy at first though. How big is your boiler and what brew length are you going for?
I will be using a baby burco... which I dont have with me right now as I have stored it elsewhere. From memory I think its 7.5Gals, but I will check today.

Not sure on a brew length, id be happy with anything between 30 - 40 pints, maybe around 5%abv? As you can see I know very little about BIAB, still reading up on everything, I may also get some software like beersmith after I have done a few brews :cheers:

But any advise would be great, id like my first to be a stout, or a chocolate stout :D :drink:
BrewDan said:
I may also get some software like beersmith after I have done a few brews

I would get it now (free trial for 21 days), you can then play around with the recipe to your hearts content and see immediately what affect those changes make, it really is a great piece of software which along with my brew fridge/fermenter has made the greatest impact on my brewing.
Dan, the offer is still their if you want to come to one of my brews before you jump into the deep end. I'm brewing next Saturday starting around 10 o'clock if your interested.
Cheers Dennis, just working on the house at the moment, depending on how much we manage to get done today/ tomorrow I may see if I can take Saturday off and come watch you at work?
Order has been placed, no going back now. Just need to wait for everything to arrive and it's time to try all grain!

Bought the homebrewcompany Irish stout mash kit, and I also bought desperate grains to attempt to make a chocolate oatmeal stout.

Looking forward to this, got the parts on order for my ball valve thing , and also ordered the bits to make a wort chiller
BrewDan said:
Order has been placed, no going back now. Just need to wait for everything to arrive and it's time to try all grain!

Make yourself an idiot sheet, give yourself plenty of time ......... then enjoy it :thumb:

It's not rocket science or brain surgery, if it was either of those I certainly couldn't do it, but I can and do brew my own (AG) beers, they're pretty damn good as well :cheers:

Good luck and enjoy your first AG brew, it really is worth the extra bit of effort ;)
Oops not desperate! I meant seperate! But I am desperate to make it all. Just not sure when I will get the chance to. I have a feeling it wont be until near Christmas as I have a couple of weeks off then, but really cannot wait that long! :cheers:

I may just do a couple of kits to keep me going until then, I have around 100 bottles that need re filling with something! :drink:

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