Igulu F1 'brewing machine'

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Apr 28, 2012
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Several of the YouTube channels I follow have reviewed this , this week. Clearly a promotional campaign is on. What are your thoughts?

From me, very expensive to make 5 litres, a little disappointed that people are saying it produces great Craft Beer, not much craft going on in my opinion. Not for me!

Yeah I guess it boils down to why people want to brew their own beer. Some probably do it because it's cheaper so I guess something like this is probably more targeted at people like that (once you've made the upfront investment of course). For me the biggest input from the brewer is in recipe creation and wort production...once you have a good recipe and the experience and ability to produce good wort then, so long as sanitisation practices are good, the yeast does the rest of the work and all the brewer can do is screw things up. So take away the recipe creation and wort production elements out of the process then you're not really brewing beer, you're just fermenting wort.

Bit like if you're into Indian cooking its the difference between making a curry from scratch, taking all the spices and toasting them, grinding them, marinating the meat etc. and making the curry properly, or just buying a jar of Patak's sauce and chucking it in a pan with some meat and saying "I've cooked a curry"...technically you have....except you haven't really.
It's another thing that avoids being an interesting product for hobbyist brewers in pursuit of the casual user gadget with high-value consumables segment.

It's a pressure fermenter with temp control and a serving tap. So someone could skip the app and fancy tap screen etc. and stick something like an apollo snub-nose in a variable temp control fridge with a tap and gas connections. I imagine no-one has done that yet because the product development costs and logistics for large units like that are difficult to justify for the slice of the homebrewing market that would want one, but you can clearly DIY it for less than this thing is selling for.
Just had a look at their website, $699 with a current discount and another 20% off available BUT the touted MASTER MODE is another $100 ( although currently included with purchase )... Not that any of us only do it to save money but how many 4L brews will you need to do to offset the initial cost against commercial bought beer ??