Hi I completed this last year through work. I might have some sample study material and maybe even some mock multiple choose exams. There are some sections which would not benefit the home brewer (maintenance, quality systems, CIP,environment,water, gases, micro etc.) but the overall front end of the program which looks at the actual brewing process (beer types, malting, wort production and management, yeast and fermentation, maturation/storage, flavor and cask/craft) is really interesting.
There are 20 sections I think overall. The exam requires you get around 80% to pass (might be slightly less) and is now completed at set examination centers.
I would say tho, It is a really good grounding for learning about the brewing process (if not a little OTT for home brewers). So if you don't mind paying for it give it a go. It does require a good amount of study to learn the material, which can be a bit technical in places. I would maybe look at doing a home brew course at one of the various places around the UK unless you intend on moving into the brewing profession or even starting up your own brewery.