I suppose I should stop lurking :)

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Nov 12, 2015
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Long time AG brewer, short time lurker on here. Ex Assistant Brewer at a Micro in Derbyshire and now Brewery Sales and Development elsewhere .
Up until a recent divorce, I had space to use my 100L 3 vessel Mossbrew Pilot brewery which I have owned for about 10 years. Fermentation via 2x 100L Blichmann Fermenators. Proudest moment was brewing a double batch for my best friend's wedding, when 20Gal disappeared over the course of the evening.
Sadly this is no longer the case and the kit is in storage. I am even mulling over the sale of it all and downsizing. Sad times.
welcome and sorry to here of your situation. Your pilot brewery kit sounds awesome. Maybe you need to buy some cheap interim kit and get a brew on the go...things might look brighter, and you may find yourself in a position to use the big kit again sometime in the future.
Be good to tap your knowledge and experience. :thumb:

You could get into small scale brewing - stove top perhaps. Make lots of experimental small brews. Until you can scale up again.
Welcome to the forum. Pull up a chair over there next to the fire. Your slippers are waiting for you :-)

A real brewer in the forum. I must have questions for you. But so many! Lol
Hang on to that kit mate. It's worth a lot more than you'd get for it. I'm sure it'll come back to life when the times right :thumb:
Yes, keep the kit, one day you'll see the perfect premises to start again (usually the day after you've sold all the gear lol!) Looking forward to reading your knowledge and learning as I'm sure you'll have forgotten more than I'll ever know!

Sorry about your situation too, I've been there. Hope things are looking up for you.
Thanks all for the kind words :) Much as I would like to think my living situation may change to the point that I can use the kit again, I am looking at the prospect of renting for the short/medium term. This is actually being optimistic. Other bits of my life are awesome, space for 100L brew kit isn't sadly one of them. It looks like I will be putting an ad on here sometime soon, once I can find the pics I took a while ago.
Watch this space, or maybe that space over there ~points in the direction of the ads bit~
On a positive note I may have the space for a Grainfather of something similar, so the story isn't over yet :)