Which units do you use?
The old system - mmol or whatever.
Found a converter above.
Which units do you use?
It is a bit confusing because there are several ways to present the same info (mmols/mol, mmols/l, mmols/dl,%) and then there is different advice on the normal vs diabetic range. It really ought to be more consistent for us poor buggers.
We can at least agree 12mmols/l (displayed on your monitor) is too high
This is the threshold for “high” blood sugar according to the UK NHS. Your reading over 12 is high but perhaps not massively given the time of day and the fact you have eaten.
View attachment 88553
Strange for your reading to be so high then. My wife’s highest reading (again uncharacteristic) was over 20 and her vision even became blurred.Yes I came across that table of info as well when I was browsing.
The alarming thing for me is that's the highest test I've ever had.
Typically my blood sugar raises a little about 30 minutes post-eating. Going down to normal again by around 4 hours after eating.
For me, this result is completely abnormal. Don't want to have to go to the doctor's so I'm hoping it's back to normal by tomorrow morning.
cheers Buffers, i will have a good look at that tomorrowhttps://www.desmond.nhs.uk/modules-posts/newly-diagnosed-and-foundation
Some might find this interesting/helpful/informative
Today 3hours after breakfast View attachment 88640
Are going the docs Tess,That's fabulous Rod - well done you!
The morning after my 12.8 result mine had gone up to 14.4 - and then I ran out of test strips
Are going the docs Tess,