Yup, it took about three months and lots of reading, I found the building the easy bit as it's my job (engineering), I was more scared of my first brew, but once I did i was wondering what all the fuss was about, AG is easy.
Would you belive I'm doing my first stout tomorrow, here in the land of stout, i suppose the mark is set so high that I have been a bit shy to do one, well tomorrow's the day. Camera and camcorder charging so expect more. It is going to be a bit off the beaten track as I'm using some raw barley so two seperate mashes will be done, a bit daunting but the way I look at things, it's only another human who did this before, I'm human (mostly) so I should be able to do it.
Thanks for subscribing Ilikerossie :thumb:
Here is a link to the build, I did not come across this forum while building :cry: so the link is on Irish Craft Brewer, I hope the mods and admin don't mind a link to another forum.
The Build
If it's not allowed let me know and I'll remove.
Oh yeah, it was my first forum I joined and happend to choose the name Ale Man, great minds I suspect