How to sanitise a hydrometer easily

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Active Member
Oct 10, 2021
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Up until now I havent been bothering to take readings, just bung it all together, giver a good stir and wait to the bubbler stops and add a week. So far so good.
However as temperature drops and heating bills go up i've let the room where i do my brewing drop to about 16c most of the time. As a result i've a turbo brew on the go now over 5 weeks and still bubbling every few seconds. In the summer it was three weeks max (2+1) before bottling.

I'm loosing the will....
I have a (so far unused) wine thief and was thinking i could easily sanitise it by pouring boiling water into and around it (i do this with my long stirring sticks for wine) then taking a sample and then dropping the hydrometer in and taking a reading of the (never ending) cider to see if its fit to bottle yet.

I'm nearly at the stage i'll have to buy supermarket ciders again, this is an emergency, supplies are running low!

Any advice?
Get some Milton tablets put enough water in your washing to bowl to just cover it when lying down put in 1/4 of a tablet and mix well lay hydrometer down and turn it to cover all surfaces do this a couple of times over the next 15 minutes and jod done.
Thats brilliant! Wouldn't have thought of that in a million years, also saves having to waste anything, just bung in the demijohn after sterilisation. Sounds like just the job, thanks.
also saves having to waste anything, just bung in the demijohn after sterilisation. Sounds like just the job, thanks.

You may struggle getting an accurate reading as the hydrometer tends to catch the side of the neck of the DJ, if you pourca little of the stereliser from the washing up bowl into the hydrometer test jar then cover the top and shake it so again the fluid covers all surfaces again it'll be fine.

This is how I sanitise my fermenting vessel and all other kit I am going to use

As above star San is great as it's almost instant but I have always used Milton and have never had an issue.
Wow , again I am surprised at the length people go to on brewing equipment.
I am surprised I haven't died from botulinum with a side dosing of ebola.
I Just run the cold tap, squirt hand sanitizer over my hands and give hands and hydrometer a good rub. Then rinse it all off under the tap.
Decent strength hand sanitizer (non flavoured/scented) is very effective at killing bacteria viruses and yeasts. Job done. Also ensures that my fingers are just as clean, as there is no point nuking your hydrometer for 15 minutes whilst you pick your nose, scratch your crotch etc and then pick said hydrometer up with your fingers and drop it in your fermentation vessel....
drop it in your fermentation vessel....

He is using demijohns and as i said earlier they hydrometer catches the inside of the neck making it difficult to get a proper reading so a trial jar or something similar is needed along with his aforementioned turkey baster that will also need sanitising.

Your suggestion to use star-san was a good one as its almost instant but if like me you don't have any and don't mind waiting 15 minutes which let's be honest isn't a huge inconvenience then Milton will do the job.
Get a great big "Carry On Doctor" syringe off ebay ,sanitise it in a jug of..sanitiser (!) and use it to draw off a sample to fill your cheap as chips wilko sample jar. Drop in hydrometer to read sample,drink sample ,rinse the lot under a hot tap or with some oxi type cleaner..Fanny's your auntie!
I use vwp and soak everything the night before is possible, it should only take 15 mins, but anyway. When I’m brewing, I’m spraying Star San like it’s going out of fashion.

I haven’t had any issues to date, but I think the Star San is really worth while, it’s cheap as chips when you consider how much a bottle makes.
I've never sanitized my hyrdrometer, just rinse it under the cold water tap, as I draw a sample off via a 100ml syringe for an OG and FG reading which goes into a sample tube (both go in the dishwasher) I also leave the beer 2 or three weeks depending on the OG reading. The lid stays on the fv till bottling time.
I tried the Milton tablet method and it worked great.
I used the hydrometer test tube instead and a plastic cup on top to keep all submerged, had a cup of coffee when waiting the 15 mins, sorted!
In other news the bloody never ending brew isnt ready yet, i got a reading of 0.999


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