How to modify a fridge for lager brewing?

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Jun 6, 2011
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Does anyone know if it's possible to buy a cheap second-hand fridge and adjust the thermostat to 12-14°C for fermenting lager? Also, would it be possible to then set it to normal fridge temperatures of around 2-5°C for the lagering process?
yes. Bypass the thermostat with a heating/cooling temp controller, cooling connects to the fridge cooling system, heating to a heat source you put in the fridge, I use a 60w bulb .

This is what I use but you couold use a ATC 800+
If you go down the temp controller route and get a unit like prolix linked to....... There are two units that look the same, the one prolix linked to is uk stock but the relay current is rated to 5amp, Some of the other Hong Kong units are rated 10amp for the relay.

I mention this as alot if not most fridges are fused at 13amp, so i guess it would be safe to say they draw somewhere a little under that in operation. So if you try for example and put say a 11amp current through a relay rated 5amp it is either not going to last long or weld itself in the closed position where the fridge will be constantly on!

Just food for thought!.

On the fused train of thought........ If you add a heater to your setup and take its power straight from the controller it would also be good to put an inline fuse rated to the heaters needs, I.e don't cut off the plug fused 3amp and connect it to a unit that is fused at 13amp!

Hope i make sense, about to convert a fridge myself and this is just some stuff i thought about.
well spotted dave, mine is th 10A version the ATC 800+ is rated 10 heating and 20 cooling so will be fine

edit - most fridges pull less than 5 amps so any of them will be fine, peak va to start the motor come from the capacitor so do not effect amps.
prolix said:
most fridges pull less than 5 amps so any of them will be fine, peak va to start the motor come from the capacitor so do not effect amps.
Actually the current drain on compressor start up can be as much as 10A . . . I'm not sure the capacitor is capable of supplying that :hmm: