Have you tried steeping speciality grains?c_burgess said:...using dried malt extract I have been able to get rid of the homebrew taste but have lost a little bit of complexity in the taste of my brews.
If the second wherry, was not as clear as the first, you should ask yourself, what did i do differently, eg lengh of time formenting, or temperature ect ectfubofo said:Cheers guys. The first Wherry I made was great, though a teeny but off (temps went a little high while at work).
The second last ( Coopers Irish Stout, with added treacle) and last (straight Wherry) had/have that slight homebrew taste.
The stout I just finished last night after around 6 months and there was still a slight lingering taste. The Wherry has been in bottles for about 6 weeks now (4 cold, 2 inside room) and not only has the taste but hasn't fully clear like the first Wherry
This would definitely be my recommendation.Have you tried steeping speciality grains?
fubofo said:Hmm so is it the residual sugars that give it that taste, hence using DME gives better results?
Ye, I whole heartedly second that , go for the more expensive twin pack kits that dont use sugar,or add malt extract to a single tin choice in place of sugar.Hi , yes a few tips for you , first don't use sugar (unless priming) in your brews , that will be the main reason why it tastes that way , using more expensive kits are best as no sugar needed . Watch out for old kits , liquid extract is great unless it is old , fresher the better. Temperature control is very important keep it constant and between 18 to 22c , too warm will risk off flavours . But if you want to improve i would chuck kits away and go for extract brewing , dried malt extract , good yeast , hops of your choice and profile of your making will make better beer .
I never got rid of the Homebrew taste until I started brewing with all grain.