How to clear my beer!

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May 6, 2009
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homewecker is in a corny keg,its been in for 6 weeks tried 3 pints 1 at 4,5,6 weeks.each time the pint is coming out cloudy.i have read the article on corny kegs & have cut a little off the pipe inside that the brew comes up.bottled about 6 pints of this brew & it came out of bottles clear ish. is there anything i could add to the brew to help it clear?
The reason some folk cut a bit of the dip tube it to avoid picking up sediment, I personally wait until it's settled and just draw the cloudy pints off (2 or 3) and chuck them.

What sort of cloudy haze is it - it could be chill haze - does it get worse the colder a sample is?

(Welcome BTW :thumb: )
Hi, wez,not sure if it is a chill haze,it is stored in my shed so its not really that cold.perhaps thats the problem do you think i should move it to acooler place would that help?
Hi Mike,

I do what Wez says regards pulling pints from the corny, I also fine in the corny with issinglass.
Haze can be caused by a few things including suspended yeast, infection, and as Wez has eluded to, proteins (chill haze).
Do you live in a soft water area?
first time i,ve used corny/keg this is all new to me,used to bottle everything in pass on steep learing curve.answer to your question vossy1 is no its soft in tamworth i think.
Just my 2p worth and using lateral thinking :hmm:
How are you gassing your keg? Are you keeping the keg still, i.e not moving it around and how long after fermentation was over did you keg ?
With a kit beer it's unlikely to be chill haze, it is more likely to be yeast, if you serve at a high pressure you will pull sediment from quite a distance away from the dip tube :( You only need 5 psi max :thumb:
Just to clarify a chill haze will disappear as the beer warms up.
tubby,thanks for that answer your questions,CO2,moved it afew times,think i may have pressure to high hence the large head on beer,was told by person i got keg off that i would need abt 10 to 12 psi.will give it a try tomorrow at 5psi.will let you know how i get on.thanks again.
Moving the keg is probably the cause of your woes :(
Find a place for it to live where it won't be in anybody else's way and leave it there :thumb:
Due to the lovely shineyness every time it moves the yeast will move and you'll draw it up the dip tube :(
A nice low pressure will get you a great pint out of a corny, it'll be slower to pour but it'll be worth it :drink:

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