how old are you and how long you been brewing?

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Stone Cold

Jul 25, 2010
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south wales
apparently a home brewer is a 50 year old in a wooly jumper my mate tells me. (I have no problem with 50 yr olds or wooly jumpers)
so have been wondering what is the average age of homebrewforum members? and when did you start to brew?
I'm 38; started seriously only about 18 months ago.
Did a few kits when I was in my early 20's.
Im 38 ive been brewing kits since i was 17 on and off been seriously for probably the last 2 years and been AG brewing for 7 months
40, Granddad used to make country wines and I dabbled a bit with kits when I first got married.
Two years ago started making my own country and juice wines , then beer kits and AG in January
38... brewing since 2008, parents and in-laws both made their own wines when younger but didn't do beer, I recall my father's white wine being an excellent drain cleaner... but he happily drinks my brews! :grin:
38 and brewing AG for around 2 years - this was after a long break having done quite a few kits when I was a student.
31bb3 said:
seems to be a bit of a pattern all posted are thirty somethings (with the exception of Aleman ) :hmm:

Thanks for that 31bb3 I haven't been called thirty something for a few years. At forty one I am obviously in the "senior" age catagory. :hmm: I feel old :( :(
graysalchemy said:
31bb3 said:
seems to be a bit of a pattern all posted are thirty somethings (with the exception of Aleman ) :hmm:

Thanks for that 31bb3 I haven't been called thirty something for a few years. At forty one I am obviously in the "senior" age catagory. :hmm: I feel old :( :(
Whoops sorry Gray :lol: Ok how about seems like a mid life crisis were all suffering with :whistle:
graysalchemy said:
31bb3 said:
seems to be a bit of a pattern all posted are thirty somethings (with the exception of Aleman ) :hmm:
Thanks for that 31bb3 I haven't been called thirty something for a few years. At forty one I am obviously in the "senior" age catagory. :hmm: I feel old :( :(

Don't worry, the others will be posting when they get back from collecting their pensions ;)
I'm keeping quiet :whistle: I qualify for an old wooly jumper by a good few years :roll:

I first brewed back @ Uni in about 1973 :!: even though mild was 8p a pint and bitter was 10p in the refectory bar :shock: :whistle:
Baz Chaz said:
I'm keeping quiet :whistle: I qualify for an old wooly jumper by a good few years :roll:

I first brewed back @ Uni in about 1973 :!: even though mild was 8p a pint and bitter was 10p in the refectory bar :shock: :whistle:
I was still on breast milk in 1973 :oops:
Although mum liked the odd glass of guiness or macky's so it could be classed as milk stout :rofl:
31bb3 said:
Whoops sorry Gray :lol: Ok how about seems like a mid life crisis were all suffering with :whistle:

I think that is what it must be my midlife crisis is manifesting itself into beer, brewing, this site and the word association game.

It could be worse could be chasing after young ladies half my age :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

or does that come next :whistle: :whistle:
graysalchemy said:
31bb3 said:
Whoops sorry Gray :lol: Ok how about seems like a mid life crisis were all suffering with :whistle:

I think that is what it must be my midlife crisis is manifesting itself into beer, brewing, this site and the word association game.

It could be worse could be chasing after young ladies half my age :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

never stopped ;)

or does that come next :whistle: :whistle:
That's obviously were I am going wrong :rofl: :rofl:

Don't think swmbo would approve though.

She doesn't even realise the extent of my brewing obsession :eek: :eek: