How much potassium sorbate to use in a 20 litre FV??

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Active Member
May 1, 2009
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As it says really.

The instructions mention a teaspoon or two per 'demijohn' but don't specify a size - would I be right assuming it was a 5 litre one?

And would it then follow to add 8 teaspoons to 20 litres (ish)??

Well mine is used at a rate of half a teaspoonful per gallon, so 2 tsps for your brew.

I suppose they may differ in concentration, mine's from Harris, what brand is yours?
I have the Young's one, it says 1-2 teaspoons per gallon, I just use one teaspoon with a Campden Tablet and have had no problems after fining then back sweetening.

I imagine the Harris one is a powder? This might explain the difference, the Young's one has little tiny 'sticks' with loads of space in between them requiring bigger spoonfuls.

And I would assume they mean a standard one gallon demijohn if they just say 'demijohn' and you bought it from the UK as that's the most common size over here.

I'd stick 4 and a half teaspoons in (as a gallon is about 4.5 litres), along with 4.5 campden tabs.
The Harris one is also “tiny sticks”, looks a bit like white vermicelli, £1.05 for a 25g pot and says to use 1g (1/2 tsp) per gallon. Are you sure yours says 1-2 and not 1/2 ?
Ok, i've got the same P.S and it does say 1 to 2 tsp per DJ,
I assumed that it was based on a 1 gallon dj so used 5 tsp in my 5 gallon wurzels last night.

Othwise if it was for a normal 1 gallon DJ you'ld have to use 1/5 of a tsp.
I'ld hate to have to measure that minute a dose!
Well - I used about 4 full tea spoons (it's Young's stuff). I haven't got any CTs, so I'm hoping it won't react when I put glycerine after it's cleared a bit........

It's all about learning..... :)
You should try and get hold of some, they are really cheap. Kind of a double edged sword when used with Potassium Sorbate, no more exploding bottles! :D
So-Kal said:
Well - I used about 4 full tea spoons (it's Young's stuff). I haven't got any CTs, so I'm hoping it won't react when I put glycerine after it's cleared a bit........

It's all about learning..... :)
Never use potassium sorbate without useing campden at the same time as you run the risk of the wine developing a geranium smell rendering it undrinkable.

Sorbate on it's own does not stop fermentation, it only prevents the yeast from reproducing so any still in there will just keep going.

As for amount.....have you seen the tiny amount you get with a 5 gall kit? that is because that is all that is needed and 2 tsp is plenty enough for 5 gall.
wurzel said:
So-Kal said:
As for amount.....have you seen the tiny amount you get with a 5 gall kit? that is because that is all that is needed and 2 tsp is plenty enough for 5 gall.

ok, should I be worried here then? Used 5 tsp for my 5 gallon brew.
Will it spoil things or is it just a case of less would have done.

Here's the label for the pack.

You could read it as half a tsp per DJ or 1 to 2 tsp per DJ.
The problem lies in they've used a "/" to say "2 to 3 days" later on.

I've got some digital scales at home. I'll check home much 1 gram is but I suspect now that half a tsp is the correct dose.

Just noticed that the above picture is not what I bought from wilkos.
This is what I bought.
It clearly says "1 or 2 tsp" :wha:

Very confused now.
Well I hate not knowing stuff so I emailed Youngs with the following...
Dear Sir / Madam,
please could you help me with this?

Me and some others on a popular homebrew forum have been discussing how much of youngs Potassium Sorbate should be used in a 1 gallon Demi John.

There appears to be 2 youngs products in circulation that state a different dose.

"Fermintation Stopper (Wine stabilser)
This states "Add 1 gram (1/2 tsp) per Gallon"


"Stabilizing powder"
This states "Add 1 or 2 teaspoonful to a clean Demijohn"
I presume that the demijohn in question is the typical 1 gallon type.

If you could clear this up me and others would be very grateful!


wurzel said:
No need to be worried, just less would have done ;)

Thank feck for that... Got my Wurzels orange clearing nicely and I would have gutted if it was ruined at this stage. :thumb:
Got a reply...

Thank you for pointing this out. It is something that we are aware of
and have taken steps to alter the instructions on the 30g stabilising

Originally the Pot.Sorb. Used in these products was from different
suppliers and of different strengths. For convenience we now only use
one supplier. However, the instructions got overlooked.

The rate should be at 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. Also with the addition of
a crushed campden tablet.

John Smith

Got to respect the candid nature or it.
Bit crazy that the instructions are advising adding up to 4 times the dose though.
Amadeus said:
Got a reply...

Thank you for pointing this out. It is something that we are aware of
and have taken steps to alter the instructions on the 30g stabilising

Originally the Pot.Sorb. Used in these products was from different
suppliers and of different strengths. For convenience we now only use
one supplier. However, the instructions got overlooked.

The rate should be at 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. Also with the addition of
a crushed campden tablet.

John Smith

Got to respect the candid nature or it.
Bit crazy that the instructions are advising adding up to 4 times the dose though.

Yeah, It's annoying, I've been sticking twice the amount necessary in my wines for a year.