how much do you drink?

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Not that much really, probably about 3litres of cider a week.

I must admit though I'm taking some of the posts to the thread with a pinch of salt
No drinking on school nights but 3-4 pints on a fri/saturday night then maybe a couple with sunday lunch. After lunch it is tea and water for me.

Got spoken to by SWMBO about the amount I was drinking a wee while back when stressed at work so have cut it down. With 2 members of my direct family already treated for alcholism I dont want there to be a 3rd!
as a teacher it all hinges on the school holidays...

Term time 2 or 3 nights off a week, 2 1 or 2 pint nights then 4 on friday, saturday I play rugby and it can be 1 pint after the game & drive home or it can be stay out and drink lots - I'd guess I average 30-35 units

Holidays it's lots more, almost every night is at least a 4 pinter...good job I don't live on the continent or Ireland where they have longer holidays!
Dave1970 said:
as a teacher it all hinges on the school holidays...

Term time 2 or 3 nights off a week, 2 1 or 2 pint nights then 4 on friday, saturday I play rugby and it can be 1 pint after the game & drive home or it can be stay out and drink lots - I'd guess I average 30-35 units

Holidays it's lots more, almost every night is at least a 4 pinter...good job I don't live on the continent or Ireland where they have longer holidays!
As a teacher its a lot more you say , so that would be around 30 weeks of the year then ? lol ;)
There is a questionnaire called the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) which is a standard tool used by health professionals to look at a person's Alcohol use, which you can find here

Although the most important indicator you could use is whether or not you feel that Alcohol is really causing you problems...

BTW I scored a 6 which indicates a "possible risk" but is still within the "normal" range...
If I have beer in the house - School Nights 1-2 a night, if there is only wine then 1 bottle between me & SWMBO Weekends generally double that... Not great but it could be worse & if there is a pub involved it generally is worse...
I scored 15 on that test, which would appear to be at risk of some problems, however I don't that often anymore, but when I do I can drink a shed load. I don't worry about starting too early, and I know that when I try to keep up with faster drinkers, it ends badly. If I'm thirsty when I start, I try to have a soft drink (pint of squash) otherwise I know that if I drink my first pint quickly, it's going to get messy.
the problem now is that there footie on tv almost every night of the week, you can't sit and watch it without a beer! then if the footie isn't on you've got the darts or the snooker, or the bowls or cricket...! :D :whistle:
Darcey said:
I think if you cant control your drinking then homebrewing is not the hobby for you. Its a dangerous slope having lots of 'cheap' beer/wine/cider hanging around. I drink alot but will always have 3-4 consecutive days no beer. :thumb:


after nursing a hangover today i think i will do as suggested i will have several non alcohol days per week
i really enjoy the brewing part of this hobby i dont think i will give it up

sledgehammer said:
Darcey said:
I think if you cant control your drinking then homebrewing is not the hobby for you. Its a dangerous slope having lots of 'cheap' beer/wine/cider hanging around. I drink alot but will always have 3-4 consecutive days no beer. :thumb:


after nursing a hangover today i think i will do as suggested i will have several non alcohol days per week
i really enjoy the brewing part of this hobby i dont think i will give it up

good man if you can do that you know you are ok and you can do anything regarding how much or little you want/should have :clap:
sledgehammer said:
Darcey said:
I think if you cant control your drinking then homebrewing is not the hobby for you. Its a dangerous slope having lots of 'cheap' beer/wine/cider hanging around. I drink alot but will always have 3-4 consecutive days no beer. :thumb:


after nursing a hangover today i think i will do as suggested i will have several non alcohol days per week
i really enjoy the brewing part of this hobby i dont think i will give it up


Yes, this is the way to go, we all like brewing and we all like a drink now and again, but don't let alcohol take over. make sure that it is YOU who is in chage not the drink. :thumb:

Mrs Slate Miner & I found that we were sharing a bottle of wine evry night plus the odd pint or two extra at the weekends as well, so now we make it it a general rule that we don't drink on Mon, Tues & Thurs. :nono:

I actually have a wine glass with a soft drink in it in the evenings instead of wine, a bit like a pretend cigarette I suppose :hmm:
I actually brew heavier gravity flavoursome beers which I sup more slowly as i am actually enjoying each mouthful. I only drink 3 pints in a session but really enjoy them. It is amazing the number of different taste sensations you get with a mouthful of beer.

Coupled with the challenge oif brewing them makes for a winning combination.

Now if only I could do the same with my cooking making delicious food and smaller portions. :lol: :lol:
I probably have 1-2 bottles a night in the week but usually try to squeeze a night of no booze in there somewhere. Saturday might be half a dozen and a couple on sunday (unless saturday was particularly heavy).
been dry now since tues evening
will prob wait untill fri night before i have a pint

sledgehammer said:
been dry now since tues evening
will prob wait untill fri night before i have a pint

good man you/i knew you could mate so it'll be all the better when you have a beer :D
this is now sounding like a AA (not car related) meeting
i think it might be time to let this drop off the end of the page as its not really a good subject for a brewing forum makes us sound bad (read us as me ;) )

Recently been keeping clean all week and having a bottle of spirits over the weekend, with some wine.B4 all that i was having 2 pints and a glass of wine a night. Remember one thing everything is good in moderation. Football season almost over, camping season almost starting, time to get some fiery ginger beer on and some wow's.