How many gallons of homebrewed beer in 2013?

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5 Gallons Oktoberfest
5 Gallons Donner and Blitzed
5 Gallons of St Peters Stout
5 Gallons Bulldog Mexican Larger
5 Gallons Bulldog APA

1 Gallon Brooklyn Brewshop Brusslex Blond
1 Gallon Chocolate Maple Syrup Porter
1 Gallon Arrogant Bastard Ale Clone

= New total 4936.75
I've only made 30 gallons this year and i think that will be it till next year.

I plan on trying out more different brands of ales and lagers in 2014.
I've checked my 2013 records and can state that I have brewed ;
95 gallons (19 x 5 gallon batches)
Most were BIAB 1.040 (approx) Pale malt and two hop beers.( I like blond summer beers....)
Brewed using a Buffalo 40L kettle and stored in King Kegs
Man, do I have ways to go :)

20 liters of lager.
25 liters of dark ale.

No more in the brew pipe this year, but next year I have a lot planned.
None yet. :(

I bought my first two 'starter' kits a couple of weeks back and can't get them going yet as they are officially a christmas gift to me from my wife.
This was a bit frustrating and the anticipation is killing me, but I was just about coping as I was waiting for an STC-1000 to arrive, until today when the postman delivered my new fermentation fridge gadget!

Not long now though until I can start....
Just enough time to get the brew-fridge ready then we are away! :party:
Just finished brewing my last 4.5 gallons of golden ale for the year.

Hoppy Copper Bitter 10 g
Definitive Lager 4 g
Lager 1.8kg (BrewBuddy) 4 g
Geordie Bitter 8 g
Velvet Stout 4 g
Youngs Harvest Bitter 7 g
Harvest Pilsner Lager 4 g

That is me done for the year.

Hoppy Christmas everybody.


New total is 5222
I have brewed about 28 different kits and averaging around 20 litres this makes 560 litres or 123 or so gallons. Not bad since my first brew ever was was in January 2013!
5,295 + 123 = 5,418 gallons, plus

6.5 gal. Bella Saison with Brett B
6.5 gal. 'Muerican DIPA
6.5 gal. Wit (pils and unmalted wheat)
3.0 gal. Raspberry wheat
3.0 gal. Raspberry wheat with Brett Trois
5.0 gal. Blonde ale with citrus white tea and mosaic hops
10.0 gal. Flanders Red Ale
8.0 gal. Flanders Brown Ale
4.5 gal. English barely wine (17.2% abv all malt no adjuncts)
10.0 gal. English porter
(63 gallon total)

5,481 gallons