How many gallons of homebrew in 2012?

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TRXnMe said:
5 gallons of woodfordes wherry, I'm trying to get ahead of the drinking curve :D


THAT my friend is the eternal battle................................... :twisted:
5 gall of lions pride
5 gall of Smugglers ale
5 gall of Summer lightning ag
5 gall of Timothy Taylor Landlord ag
5 gall of youngs special ag

Total 3306

Damn I drink a lot :cheers:
Hmm, I forgot to add to this lot for a goes:

5g Continental Pilsner
5g Midas Touch
5g Nelsons Revenge
5g Coopers Canadian
5g Coopers Mexican Cerzeza
5g Milestones Crusader

hmm..think thats it...for now ...... :drunk:

TOTAL: 3336
Love this thread..that's about 26688 pints...still not enough to fill one of those Fosters tankers...pull your fingers out lads/lasses :whistle: :lol: :drink: :drunk:
Vossy1 said:
Love this thread..that's about 26688 pints...still not enough to fill one of those Fosters tankers...pull your fingers out lads/lasses :whistle: :lol: :drink: :drunk:

And at this rate it would take us a further 81 years 11 months to fill an Olympic swimming pool which, as we all know, is the universal standard measure of volume... :whistle:

("yes, Your Honour, I plead guilty as charged to the offence of being bored in possession of a spreadsheet...")
Vossy1 said:
Love this thread..that's about 26688 pints...still not enough to fill one of those Fosters tankers...pull your fingers out lads/lasses :whistle: :lol: :drink: :drunk:
I should be able to add to this considerably after this weekend . . . when I anm going to brew a couple of batches on the Big Kit . . . Either a Cascadian dark ale or more likely an Irish Red and a Barley wine :hmm:
ScottM said:
I make it 81 years 5 months :P


Minimum size of pool = 50m x 25m x 2m = 2,500 cubic m
1000l per cubic m = 2,500,000l
1.759754 pints per litre = 4,399,385 pints

We've done 26688 pints in six months
So thats 4448 pints per month

The total pool would take 4,399,385/4448 = 989.0704 months.

Less the six we've done is 983.0704.

Divide by 12 is 81.92253 years

.92253 years is 11 months, 2 and a bit days...

Methinks you've subtracted what's been acheived so far twice...

Methinks I should do something more productive... :lol:
ScottM said:
Sorry, I meant 82 years 5 rather than 81 years 5 months.

Volume - 550000 Imperial Gallons
Gallons so far - 3337
Gallons per month - 556.167
Gallons per year - 6674
Volume/Gallons - 550000/6674
Years = 82.409
Years = 82
Months = 0.409 * 12 = 4.908... rounded up = 5 months.

82 years 5 months.

All of which proves nothing...

...more than the fact that you're as sad as me!!! :rofl:
:rofl: you guys :rofl: ...though the thought of swimming in beeeeeeeeerrrrrrr :cool: ...would need good ventilation though...wouldn't fancy gulping the C02 displaced :shock: :drink: :drunk:
Vossy1 said:
Love this thread..that's about 26688 pints...still not enough to fill one of those Fosters tankers...pull your fingers out lads/lasses :whistle: :lol: :drink: :drunk:

FFS, no pressure is there?? :) ;)

I'm new, gimme a chancce to warm up before setting me a target to achive :D

Now, about this swimming bath, how long would the snorkle have to be to allow me to breathe O2 rather than CO2 while enjoying the products of my labours?