How long to ferment?

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New Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Hi all, i have been brewing off and on for about 7 years, and only one, or at most twice a year (i just don't seem to be able to drink it fast enough haha) and i always had trouble with a typical "homebrew taste". Ive had some Woodfordes Wherry on the go for about 6-7 days now and the SG had reached the level that it says on the box and fermentation has slowed down, would i stand to gain anything by leaving it for say another week? I have been reading though other people posts on here and i notice that they are fermenting far longer that me and i am wondering if just following the instructions is a classic noob mistake and i could benefit from having a little more patience? After all, good things come to those who wait. Also, i have some of my beer left from last summer (i know, i know, i should spend less time drinking in the pub and more time finishing off my brews!) it had lived through all weathers on my porch, do you think it would be drinkable, and how would i know if it isnt? i dont want to get sick :sick:
Cheers, Luke.
Hi Luke, so long as the fermenter is covered, to keep air borne bacteria out, you should be fine leaving it a while.

Three things - let the beer settle before you bottle or keg, and if you have to move the fermenter to do that, then let it settle a day or two before you start taking the beer from it.

Next thing, give your beer plenty of time to condition before drinking - minimum 4 weeks in the bottle :thumb:

Third and last, be very careful when you pour your beer that you leave the sediment in the bottle (actually, it's perfectly safe to drink this - I do - mmm - yeasty vitamin B goodness!)