How long till we have to stack shelves?

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It has gone already from the mainstream I'm afraid.

The niche will always need something give it appeal and that will always be the same as it always was. Quality and Service.

Lakeland have started flogging homebrew stuff. Chatting to my LHBS he reckons it'll effectively be free advertising for him! People will likely buy homebrew starter stuff for people for presents, then if it sticks they'll go to him because he's got vastly better range, quality, prices and knowledge...

...lets try asking someone in Lakeland what yeast to use for a dunkelweizen... :lol:
As much as I agree with regards to "they took arr jooobbss" I think it's our fault rather than the supermarkets.

We constantly complain about queues and the likes, the self serve is just the solution that the supermarkets put forward to keep us happy. I find they work rather well at achieving this, in fact they must do as they are constantly being implemented, as mentioned.

Also, I don't believe that people are losing out on jobs because of it. My local Asda has LOADS of checkouts, creating loads of jobs. The shear volume of customers through Asda's doors is incredible and as much as that is down to their value, it's also down to how quickly they get customers through the checkouts and how convenient the shopping experience itself is.

The option is there for anyone who doesn't like either service, I really don't see a problem with it at all. Times are moving on, the stores are moving along too.
My heart sinks at the thought of not going to the normal checkout with my groceries...I always try to get in the local supermarket when "Big Julie" is working on trap 3.....the hours I have spent oogling her...being suggestive with odd shaped veg etc... Some may say I am just a pervert....maybe they are right... :shock:
Its actually a visible sign of the stupidity of British people and why this country has gone to the dogs.

Rather than speak to a living person with a smile and chat with someone that has a job. The walking dead would rather go and be told what to do by a computer. Its evolution turning people into sheep.

Scan now
Bag now
pay now or whatever it says.

I've actually seen the brain dead queued up waiting for a self service till when there have been empty manned tills either side.

The Zombie apocalypse has already started.....In Britain
I agree with the above I always see people waiting at the self service when there are tills availiable, but there are people nowdays who would rather not talk to someone.
Also I read awhile ago that tesco wanted to get rid of all manned tills and replace them with automatic ones in the hope that theyd be faster. Then again I see more misserable faces behind their tills than I do elsewhere so cant blame people for prefering a machine.
Working for one of these company's (I'm a baker in Tesco). I find it really funny when they call for relief cashiers when the company keeps pushing for less staff on a checkout and more self service. Tesco are now pushing staff to give that bit extra for the customer but at the point when most customers want that personal touch its missing.
The push for profit ends up with staff being pushed to do more than is physically possible in the time they have available.
I personally don't like the self service checkout and would rather be served by an individual.
My sons a bread baker in Morrisons..... :D
I don't object to them if I only have an item or 2, just breeze through.

A local Tesco express, and Sainsburys has no 'proper' tills, just self service ones, with one floating staff member, unsurprisingly it has a high Shop Lifting rate

I do hate it if I have a baskets worth, usually end up swearing at the things, and I can't play my latest game at the till, 'checkout tetris' :whistle:

(The Quorn isn't for me)

For some reason we have always put up with poor service in this country so I suppose it goes with the territory that we will put up with blinking lights and annoying computers telling us to 'place the item in the bagging area' when it's already there. And woe betide you if you put your own bag on there. The machine goes ballistic with sirens sounding. Not sure what it's like in the USA these days but when we lived there 15 years ago, not only did they have human checkout people but they bagged it for you as well. One supermarket even took it to your car for you, and loaded it into the boot (trunk). All in the name of service at no extra charge. There isn't much I like about America, but customer service was definitely one of the things I did like. Well done them for insisting on it. And I don't buy the crap that if that were to happen here we would all pay more nonsense.
xdaver said:
I agree with the above I always see people waiting at the self service when there are tills availiable, but there are people nowdays who would rather not talk to someone.
Also I read awhile ago that tesco wanted to get rid of all manned tills and replace them with automatic ones in the hope that theyd be faster. Then again I see more misserable faces behind their tills than I do elsewhere so cant blame people for prefering a machine.

People now have hundreds of "friends" on facebook

But none in their own Country.........

Beware they walk among us

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