How long do sterilising fluids keep for

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Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Essex, UK
Just another short post from me, wondering what sort of sterilising chemicals people use, and how long they keep/reuse for.

I've been using WMP lately, and kept the fluid for a week or so and reused for bottles demijohns etc, I also am going to keep a solution of sodium metabisulphite mixed up in a spray bottle for a quick squirt before filling bottles etc.

I'm just unsure if any of this is a good idea or whether I should just make a fresh batch for everything. In the past I used a fresh batch of Milton for everything, but it took alot of rinsing to get rid of the smell.

What do you all tend to do?
I have the same question about sodium metab (I'll get videne next time!)

how long, oncea batch has been made and used once, can it sit in a jar until I use it again?
I want a no rinse steraliser where can I buy and is viodene better than starsan ? Is it good for corny kegs ?
Starsan is available from The Homebrew Shop

Fine on Corny Kegs . . .it is a disinfectant only not a cleaner so you need to clean the vessels first and then disinfect. (Same for Videne)

Star san made up properly (with low alkalinity water) will keep for ages . . .Videne less so

Sod met . . .use and dispose . . . it's not that good a disinfectant (more of an antifermentative), but with properly cleaned bottles you could well 'get away with it'

Chlorine based cleanser/sanitisers loose disinfecting effectiveness with time as the chlorine is driven off . . . especially when made up warm . . .so VWP / bleach etc should be treated with caution as disinfectant after use . . .but will function fine as a cleanser. . . . Although Washing soda / oxycleansers will do as good a job if not better . . . and often cheaper
thanks guys

aleman- I was going to use sodium met tomorrow to bottle my first brew- would you recommend getting something else or just use sod met this time and switch for next batch?

How exactly do u use washing soda for cleaning?

sorry guys for pestering, but had another question- was looking for oxiclean in tescos- this is what I found ... rchBox=oxi

a lot of options- I was wondering if someone might tell me which one would work best.
Also, while I'm in Tescos, is there anything I can buy there that would be a better steriliser than sod met?

thanks a lot

so i'll go with the whizz to clean and then the baby steriliser to sterilise (if I cant get videne before tomorrow)

thanks again
I've just starting using Milton fluid for sterilising - 1 cap to 5 litres. But gonna get some Videne as looks like a simpler method.
Hi aleman
had a quick question- hope you dont mind

I got that oxi clean stuff from tescos (thanks for the recommendation). how much of it do you use in how much water?
