How far have you gotten into brewing

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Nov 27, 2011
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I personally have gotten to the stage where i have casks and all the equipment to cask and also im brewing sours they smell like wet tent and have a very lovely pellicle on the top. For the newbs of sours that is the bacteria/brett yeast on the top which causes a lovely pellicle (film) on the top. Brett is a wild yeast in the air which hangs on for alot longer than saccramyces (normal brewing yeast) does and it also makes a sour a sour it doesnt make it sour but it gives it a lovely complexity to it the bacteria in the air make it sour so they can either be sours or wild ales.

Leave a reply on how far you have gotten into brew.

Ps sours take maybe 1-2 years to become sour so ima be sitting on these for a long time. :lol:
Worth pointing out that traditionally sours were made with 'house' bacteria, therefore no one beer was the same as the other. They were made by exposing the wort to the atmosphere and in a lot of cases they were in lofts where birds roosted and dropped little present into the of charge :sick: :lol:
Vossy1 said:
...... in a lot of cases they were in lofts where birds roosted and dropped little present into the of charge :sick: :lol:

:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:


Vossy1 said:
Worth pointing out that traditionally sours were made with 'house' bacteria, therefore no one beer was the same as the other. They were made by exposing the wort to the atmosphere and in a lot of cases they were in lofts where birds roosted and dropped little present into the of charge :sick: :lol:

My beer has been exposed to the open air and has been left outside where the temp varies from day and night quite alot lol now a days most sours are basically the same as the bacteria has been going for more than 160 years in the oak barrels (only the ones in belguim mind)
Can one get hold of such a Belguim sour beer that's unpasturised and unfiltered, could one cultivate these organisms, keep them happy and start brewing with them in a consistent manner ?
I started home brewing coming up to twelve months now. My first venture was a Coopers lager kit, after which I did another 3 kits before diving straight into AG brewing. Before my first anniversary comes around I will have done my 8th AG brew in an attempt to get my stocks up. I'm aiming for 3 house beers (bitter, I/APA, stout), plus one guest beer to be always in one stock at at least two months in the bottle, unless the guest is a wheat in which case one month.

I'm also constantly brewing WOW variations, plus turbo cider and am about to get started on my first mead.

None of it would have happened if it wasn't for the help on this board either. :clap:

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