How do you make turbo cider?

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Active Member
Mar 19, 2009
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I have done a few kits; bitter, cider and larger. I am now going to attempt a turbo cider with a friend.

Can someone give me, or link me, to a recipe that tells me how to do it.

I want to buy some fruit juices from the super market, mix it with water, add yeast, and after a wait, drink some kind of beverage..... Hopefully nice.

Where can I buy the yeast for this online. I have heard that some people have used wine-yeast. Is this OK?
cheap apple juice + yeast +fermenting vessel+ a few days at 20C = Turbo cider. Its that simple...
I use youngs cider yeast of champagne yeast(dry) and tescos value apple juice.
I made it with cheap AJ and bread yeast in a 5 litre water bottle.

Dead simple, search on the THBF and you'll find plenty of advice on it!
Schnell88 said:
I want to buy some fruit juices from the super market, mix it with water, add yeast, and after a wait, drink some kind of beverage..... Hopefully nice.

You don't want to add any water as this will thin the drink out. You just need cheapo juice and yeast. I see G35 has mentioned bread yeast, but personally I would stay away from that (after a bad experience).
When its clear its drinkable :oops: . . .. but I do try and give it another week or so
goodly dudscrew said:
How long do you have to leave it before its drinkable?
Well I started 9 litres on the 19th, racked it to DJs on the 25th, it had just about cleared by the 29th when we were going chugabout on the canals, so I racked 6 litres to a stoneware cider jug and the rest to three 1 litre PETs. Stoneware jug stayed within easy reach of the tiller and is now empty.
So I'd say 10 days from start to finish then drink it flat :cheers:

Just opened the penultimate PET and it doesn't really improve for keeping, although I did prime those and it has got a hint of fizz.
If I had wanted it fizzy I'd have bottled and primed it sooner while there was still more yeast in suspension, so maybe 8 days + 7 in the bottle = 15 days.

This one I'm drinking now has got a ‘spritz’ but not exactly a fizz.

Still, 6.25% abv @ 20p a pint: Quite frankly I couldn't give a rat's ass. :drunk:

It's only my 2nd attempt at the stuff, and it might be a while before the 3rd, so anything I type while under the influence of TC should be disregarded.
Thanks everyone, i will be giving it a try shortly, i will let you know how it goes.

Would it be possible to use different fruit juice's also? Just for a change?
I'm having a bash at different juices as we speak. I have a [Tropical Juice (3L), Red Grape Juice (1L), Apple Juice (1L)] and I have an [Orange Juice (3L) and Apple Juice (2L)]. I used left over beer kit yeast packets on both and they are settling down now so I'll prime and bottle next weekend. They are experiments, and I won't be too annoyed if they're not up to scratch.
commsbiff said:
I'm having a bash at different juices as we speak. I have a [Tropical Juice (3L),

I made a batch of the ASDA tropical juice comms and it didnt turn out to bad. A bit dry but you can tell what it surposed to be.
Re : Bread yeast - I really should have said, as long as it's yeast, then you'll get TC, I only used it as an experiment (and no other yeast in the house!).

It's cheap fallover juice, and I treated it as a throwaway (well, drinkaway really!) drink for a festival I went to!
BB....Tubby Shaw told me it will go in a Corny...I have just made 29 Litres using Aleman's & Tubby' method and its going like a gud n :thumb: TS told me to put 18 Litres in the Corni but to keep a litre back and to add this into the corni it sweetens it up ! Hope this help :cheers:
Reading this makes me think I've left mine too long :roll: . Left in FV for 15 days, bottled this morning to 1L PET bottles & primed with 1 tbsp of sugar per bottle. It was clear going into the bottles.

When would it be ready to sup?