EKG did much better with 1200g wet and still drying.

A week with tossing them about most days so they dry evenlyHow long do you dry them for?
Not sure SWMBO would approve but loving the system.Looks similar to how I dried mine last year. In brew bags hung from the light fitting in front of the AC on fan setting. Took about 24 hours to dry fully.
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It's a delicate balancing act, made more difficult by the weather this year which saw everything ripen super-quickly in that sunny weather last week, after a slow start.I harvest my hops when the outer cone leaves start to brown but not sure if that is the right point?
My cascade has a bit of an underwhelming crop again. It is nearly there but still needs a wee bit longer. Though I'm normally at least a week later than this anyway.
Happily the cutting I took this spring has also got a few cones, though its well intertwined with the raspberries!
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Interested in the garlic Aroma mention,It's a delicate balancing act, made more difficult by the weather this year which saw everything ripen super-quickly in that sunny weather last week, after a slow start.
Your nose is the best guide, but in general you want to harvest no later than when there's one or two brown scales on <10% of the cones. Any hint of garlic means that you've missed the peak time, you need to harvest earlier next year....
Sifty and myself both in NZ, no chance of getting any plant material from UK due to biosecurity. I think EKG being used as easier to type than goldings.This is another reminder that East Kent Goldings is not a variety, it's a legal designation for specific clones of Goldings grown in a particular geographic area, in the same way as Champagne or Parma ham or Jersey Royal potatoes are tied to a specific area :
UK rhizome suppliers won't supply "EKG", they supply one of the specific clones of Goldings :
Yeah I'm pretty sure the Cascade has taken over and the Fuggles have gone? Not even sure that's possible, but the first year I could readily identify the 2 different varieties (Cascade a pointy, loose flower shape, vs Fuggle a tighter, rounded cone).Do you want some EKG rhizome ?
I can dig a bit out of my pot for you? PM me if interested or phone me, I'm keen for some Fuggle
Commercial brewers here using green hops (ie undried) work on adding 7x what they would use of dried hops, in the US they seem to work on 5-6x, either way - there's a lot of water in them.I haven't had much luck using them in brews, don't think I've allowed enough hops in my recipes.