Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

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This is my Chinook. I see the goodies, but is it ready?
This is my Chinook. I see the goodies, but is it ready?

Rub it between your fingers and smell it, you should get a strong aroma. TBH it looks a little wet still, they open up and start to dry a little just at the point they're ready, not far off but maybe a week or two to be at their best?
This is my Chinook. I see the goodies, but is it ready?
I see why they call them chinook now, they are massive! Mine are starting to come good but still a couple of weeks to go unfortunately, just as the crap weather heads my way🙄

Second pic is cascade, also living up to its name, there are thousands on the bine. I’d say the cascade are 4 weeks out, but they have amazed me how fast the cones have developed in the last two weeks.


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So they are less than a week in their temporary home and have grown at least 6 inches, I suppose I just let them grow until they stop and then cut them right back?

I'm no expert on hops but I'd say, yes, just let it do it's thing as a bit of a practice for next year!
It will probably do more harm cutting it back.
Mine are only one year old but I've read that I should just let them die back after harvesting for the first winter. After that cutting back is recommended.
Well I now know why hops are so expensive!
I dried and vac packed all those in that green tray in my post above.
Total weight 85g! 😂
Still very satisfying though.
Yes, they go down to nothing, especially if you get them crispy dry. My first picking are all dried, packaged and in the freezer but I left a lot on the bines as they weren't quite ready yet.
So far I've got 4 oz of prima donna (about 100g) and 21 oz of cascade (about 600g), all packaged in 28g bags - which is plenty for a flame-out addition. So it looks like I'll be drinking a lot of citrussy pales this year.
Hopefully there'll be a break in the weather so I can get the rest in before too long.
I got about 400g each off my Styrians and Cascade last year, I used up all the Cascade but still have loads of Styrian left. Looks like I'll get even more this year, plus I have a very-laden Challenger that's gone mad this 2nd year and threatens to out-produce both the others.
My experimental Scottish hop was only planted this year, and there aren't any cones at all, or anything that looks like them. It's still in good leaf but I'm hoping for better next year. I’ll run the strings up in a narrower fan as well I think.
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We were in Oslo last week visiting their historic Folk village (NORSK FOLKEMUSEUM, Bygdøy, Oslo, Norway), and they had hops being cultivated in their produce garden area no more developed than yours look. What variety are they?
I didn't get to speak to anyone about what was expected of them so can't really comment, but they looked like something was hoped for, what with the care that was being lavished on them.
I like your rock wall garden storage heater idea.
Down here that would be for growing figs.
This one I gleaned whilst on my cycle ride a couple of weeks ago. Fully ripe and Juicy! A first for me in England.

Does anyone grow Glacier hops here? 1st year growing hops and have both a Cascade and Glacier planted out.. The cascade was amazing, not the biggest of yields, but nice big cones, fantastic citrusy aromas.. can't wait to get them in a brew later in the year.

But my main question is around the glacier cones.. I just don't get any aroma from them at all!.. i've harvested half the plant, and will do the rest later in the week.. Research is showing me that this isn't the most pungent of hops, but I still expected to get some aroma from a ripe cone when I cut them open.

Any experience of this hop variety and does it get better as it matures over the years? Somewhat underwhelmed with Glacier at the moment.. even to the point of considering replacing it next year which I won't do lightly mind..