I've searched in these forums for Root beer discussions -- the very few that exist are ancient discussions which died a quick death. I am considering brewing a root beer though, and wanted to create a modern thread. Hopefully this one doesn't die with as little input as the others, and brings some more up-to-date advice for future readers 
Main questions, aside from finding a recipe, include:
1. Using a King Keg to store and build up carbonation.
2. Potential for long-term contamination of the king keg? I think there are a few types of beers that can really affect future brews, no matter how much you clean it? I don't know the details, so I don't know if a root beer recipe could potentially do the same.

Main questions, aside from finding a recipe, include:
1. Using a King Keg to store and build up carbonation.
2. Potential for long-term contamination of the king keg? I think there are a few types of beers that can really affect future brews, no matter how much you clean it? I don't know the details, so I don't know if a root beer recipe could potentially do the same.