Home Brew Shop

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Oct 27, 2009
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I live in the Harrogate area of North Yorkshire and my nearest HBS is about 20 miles away, not far maybe, but that now equates to nearly an hour there and an hour back these days.
I own a deli and am having thoughts about opening a small Home Brew section in the deli.
Already sell beers,wines etc so license is no problem.
Nothing fancy to start off, basic equipment, chemicals, kits etc
Now I know that there are dozens of online HB shops and some of them have many ( 30 years ) experience in the business.
Any of you guys any thoughts or comments ???
All welcome.
Seems you already have a shop and overheads etc, I can't see why you can't expand your range a little even if you get the odd couple of sales to start with, then build from there :thumb:
Yes, I was having similar thoughts.
Got the overheads, got the space, out an 'out of town' situation will loads of parking.
Just need a few local home brewers !!
Great idea. I'd say go for some of the better kits and see how they sell. If people start asking for other stuff then you can expand :thumb:
The real issue is will a wholesaler supply you. . . . Some offer 'protection' to their existing customers so that you can't open up near one and be supplied by the wholesaler . . . as that would be unfair competition . . . can't possibly have two shops near each other selling stuff cheaper could they . . . You will probably have to ask the retailers to see if they will supply you.

Good luck
Interesting thought by Aleman.

If you have a legitimate business then it is actually illegal for them to refuse to supply you as they are effectivley creating a cartel.

That said they may have all sorts of tricks up their sleave around credit terms etc.
brobin said:
Interesting thought by Aleman.

If you have a legitimate business then it is actually illegal for them to refuse to supply you as they are effectivley creating a cartel.

That said they may have all sorts of tricks up their sleave around credit terms etc.

Interesting post :thumb: It's something I hear time and time again :(
ricardo said:
Any of you guys any thoughts or comments ???

Keep the prices competitive. Theres a shop about 10 miles from me who wanted to charge me £90 for a sack of malt. Needless to say, I have never bought a single thing from them!
Good idea, but why not offer to become an outlet for them in your town. There stock, your space - no additional outlay you just take a percentage of the profit from sales. If they dont want to take up the offer, then make space and stock up.

I'm currently thinking of doing the same in North London - but my idea is to sell the goods online only (pickups allowed) to save the use of retail space and use storage only. Eventually i would like to build a micro brewery on the side of that - cheap stock = more profitable beer. Plenty of pubs in London need to stock real ales and according to someone's research - homebrewing and real ales are making somewhat of a comeback.
I guess this may be a good time to let you know I am just about to launch Neales Brewing Supplies. I will be selling basically the same range as The Malt Miller to the whole sale market via a website. It will go live in a couple of weeks so if any one is interested in stocking the Neales Brewing Supplies range let me know.

There is a large homebrew shop in York called Millfeild home brew but they dont take internet orders perhaps you could approach them and be an outlet for some of their stock. If they will let you that is :cheers:
Ricardo, what road is your deli/ potentail home brew shop on ?? I live in harrogate so would be interested in a home brew shop. As wendy1971 mentioned there is millfield in york, which is a good place, but as you mention a PITA to get to. The health shop in town sells home brew, kits and cans, are you thinking of doing AG.

I currently get most things delivered, mainly H&G. There was cellar crafts down hookstone, but that closed about 5 years ago. Let us know your progress
it seams you dont have any thing to lose . if you dont sell the kit you can drink them your self. and fermenting bins never come in rong as meany ppl can fined a good use for them. il go for it the most you cam lose is a few £100 . and best case you will make it back and a better name for your shop as brewing will fit ni well witha deli
This was a post I made in January !!!
Its got resurrected..........
I decided that I could not really fit it in with my current shop layout.....so shelved the idea.
Part of the problem is the internet.....why buy your gear from a shop you have to drive to in a car when you can get it cheaper delivered to your door, off the internet ???
My local HB shop started off as a health food shop that used to sell grains and hops as a side line. The present owner, Cliff, changed it to beer and winemaking only about 20 years ago.

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