"Hillcrest IPA" & "Harvest Gold"

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A bit of an update...

IPA is cooling at the moment (tried a bit JEES it is BITTER!) :shock: :lol:

I have 60L at 1.040 coming to the boil now going to hop that with Cascade & Bobek, hopefully it'll turn out similar to the Harvest Gold I brewed last year :grin:

I'm taking a few pics :thumb:
The IPA is in the bag...well FV now

25L at 1.070 so got the gravity I wanted and an extra 2L

I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..l
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..
I must never forget the hop strainer again..

The IPA is bubbling away already - the airlock is going twice per minute at the moment :shock:
Wez, did you stir whilst cooling?

What difference did it make?

Glad to see everything's going well so far :thumb:
I didn't stir the IPA as I had loads to get on with :( I've just stirred the second brew though - but am gonna leave it cooling while I nip out for a bit.
I'm all wrapped up for the day :thumb:

Long day - 07:15 until 17:45 but ended up with :

25L 1.070/120IBU IPA
40L 1.046/35IBU Harvest Gold

Will post some pics and some comments later :thumb:

Gunna walk the dog, have a shower, get a beer order a Chinese and Chilllllllllll :D

PS - The IPA that I pitched onto the Twin Rhombus s04 yeast cake is going nuts, airlock bubbling every 10 secs now :party:
What did you do with the Twin Rhombus? Bottle or keg?

Do mine tomorrow.

Have you had a sneaky taste? :drink: Very nice by my standards :cheers:

I'm thinking of splitting it in two (9L * 2) , dry hopping half with Goldings (2.5g) and leaving the other batch as is.

What do you think?
I kegged it.

I still have the other FV of it to deal with, may dry hop that one :hmm:
If you dry hop it that would be great. Two slightly different beers and we could try side by side.

Maybe you could use different dry hops! That way we could sample 3 different beers with the same "base" brew and see how they come out. :cool:
Had a good brewday today, with the exception of forgetting to fit the hop strainer for the second boil all went well :D

I swapped the brewery around a bit for todays brew, the 100L SS boiler became my HLT and the 60L plastic HLT became by boiler, the reason for this is the minimum boil volume on the 100L boiler is around 35L so the 23L batch of IPA was too small for it.

First Beer - "Hillcrest IPA - 1.070/120IBU"
14kg Pale Malt
1kg Sugar

230g EKG First Wort Hop (FWH) to 120IBU

Fermented using s-04 yeast cake from previous brew (Twin Rhombus 1.050)

Managed to hit my mash temp spot on and only lost 0.2c over the 90 min mash, I used 2.5L per KG grain so mash liquor was 35L. Runnings were clear after returning 4L. I measured the first 1/2L out of the tun just out of interest, 1.098. Then I collected 5L, measured and started recording as per below until I hit the sugar points that I needed. This turned out to be a required 1484 not the 1219 I'd mentioned before due to an oversight when calculating.

VOL (L) - SG - SP (sugar points)
5L 1.088 = 440
10 1.088 = 880
12 1.088 = 1032
14 1.086 = 1204
17 1.086 = 1462 (near enough ;) )

So in 17L i'd collected enough sugar points for the gravity I needed from the malt in a 23L batch (1.053) the other 1.017 is to come from 1Kg sugar added during the boil.

I'd calculated that to get 23L into the FV I needed a pre-boil volume of 34L so the wort was added to the boiler (on top of the FWH's) and diluted down to 34L by adding an additional 17L of water from the HLT.

The smell from the boiler was awesome as all of those hops began to release their oils :thumb: :grin:

I planned to boil for 60 mins but ended up boiling for 75 mins. The sugar was added to the boiler by drawing boiling wort from the boiler into a pyrex jug and mixing sugar in, dissolving and then returning to the boiler. I had to do this 3 times to use up the 1Kg sugar.

After cooling the wort I transferred it directly onto a yeast cake from my previous brew (s04).

The amount of hops left in the boiler was impressive (see pic below)

It's now bubbling away like a gudden!

Second Beer - "Harvest Gold - 1.046/35IBU"

14Kg Pale Malt (run off previously for the IPA)
700g Crystal

I had no idea what beer I was going to brew with the runnings from the 14Kg pale from the tun, the only thing I had decided was that I was going to add 700g Crystal Malt to the Pale.

The Crystal was stirred into the mash and allowed to rest for 15 mins then I sparged, the change in colour from the runnings was instant.

I collected 40L ... only I haven't noted what the comined SG was :oops:

Anyway I decided to dilute it down in the boiler to 60L at 1.040

I fancied another go at Harvest Gold's hops schedule again so I went with that..

Cascade to 15IBU 60 mins

Cascade to 10IBU 15 mins
Bobek to 10IBU 15 mins

40g Cascade & 40g Bobek added at 80c and steeped for 20 mins

I've got through a few hops today :oops:

Post boil I ended up with 40L of 1.046 wort from this :thumb:

Looking forward to when I can drink these, the IPA I think may take a while :hmm:

Some pics....

14Kg Maris Otter weighed out

The mash for the IPA

EKG's for the IPA

Getting ready to recirculate the runnings

Hops waiting for the wort

Runnings from the tun


Sugar Points Collected

IPA coming to the boil

700g Crystal

Runnings with Crystal Added

Chilling the IPA down

Harvest Gold Coming to the boil

IPA being added to s04 Yeast Cake

FV full of IPA - needing a haircut

Spent hops from the IPA


Harvest Gold SG
I think that this IPA might be a bit of a handful in the FV :hmm:

It met Mr Yeast at 14:15 today - took no time at all to start bubbling...now

We have some real growth developing...


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