High Final Gravity

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New Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Hello everybody,
I've been a big beer lover for years and I've started brewing at home almost a year ago. So far I brewed about 7-8 batches, 20 liters each.
I experimented with a Belgian Style Reddish Ale, Porter, Stout, and just yesterday I've bottled an IPA.
The first two brews were the Belgian ales, and it was almost a year ago, both had a bit over 1.06 OG and something like 1.017 FG, which as far as I remember gave me around 6.5ABV. I did not brew between June-September. When I I got back to brewing in October I made two batches of porter, both had an OG of 1.05 or a bit higher, and an FG of 1.022 or so. The Stout which I bottled just two weeks ago, had an OG of 1.051 and FG 1.026.
It seems like since october all my FG were between a little bit high to really high.
I must say I haven't done any secondary fermentation, all beers fermented 7-14 days (the belgian ales needed only 7 days to get to 1.017). I bottle when I see there are not bubble in the airlock, or a bubble once every few minutes. The temperature in all fermentations was 17-23c, most of the time it was stable on 20.
I compared my hydrometer to others and it seems fine.
MY problem is that the FG just seems to be too high always, I know Stout has more unfermentables then an IPA, but FG 1.026 for Stout and 1.022 for IPA just seem way too high.
Any help or suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Have you tried some Yeast Nutrient in the Fv's?
And I found that I had the same problems with some of my first brews I have now gone to using Nutrients each brew and moved My Fv area to a warmer area The bottom of the Fv is heated to 24c and I haven't had any problems since I'm now hitting 1.010 and lower.
I never heard of yeast nutrients before, but thanks for the tip, I will check it out.
I also forgot to mention I am brewing from Extract (not hopped, just malt), and I usually mash some malt for adjustments (150-500 grams of malt).
How do I know which nutrients do I need though?
Thanks for the quick and helpful response.
Thanks guys. I'm gonna try the nutrients. The problem is I live in Israel, and I am pretty sure you cant find it here (the homebrewing scene is very new). So I am probably going to order it online from abroad.
I have two questions:
1. for how many brews or liters is the 100gr Youngs nutrient can be used, more or less.
2. Can any of you recommend a good online store for that?
And Here's me saying move it somewhere warmer :rofl:
I don't know if OZ is any better for postage for you but you could Try Ross @ craftbrewer See CLICKY

As per dosage I put 2 teaspoons per 25ltr but you can go to 5 / 25ltr so a teaspoon is what 5grams ish??

Hope that helps :thumb:

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