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Active Member
Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
Thought I'd introduce myself to everyone on here.

I'm new to brewing with only 2 currently under my belt, a Woodfords wherry kit, my own extract recipe which turned out awesome (if I may say so myself! :P ) and in the next week I'll be attempting my first all grain recipe... a Belgian IPA!

I have brewed with a friend of mine before a few times, so have some basic knowledge of all grain but I'm always on the hunt to learn more, so any advice is more than welcome!

Personal info - I'm 31, wife and kid, run my own IT company that covers contracting and sales and live in Northampton.

I look forward to chatting with you all.


Cheers everyone, what a friendly forum this is. Love it already! :cheers:
Welcome to the forum Neil and a very Wherry Christmas to you and your family