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Active Member
Dec 1, 2022
Reaction score
Chatham, Kent UK
Yes, a hello to all on here and thanks for letting me join the forum.
In the eighties I did quite a lot of home brewing and I still have some of the equipment that I stashed away with the idea that at some point, I would do some more brewing.
Now that I've retired I do have the time so its onward and hopefully, upward.
Most of what I did were kits and to be quite honest, I think I will continue with kits as although I have time, I don't think I have that much time!
I've been looking at the available kits and I really haven't a clue as to what kit would be better than all the others. There are so many now that I'll need to ask for some recommendations but I'll be willing to just try one on a spontaneous buy. Any suggestions will be welcome.
I have one of those Co2 cylinders that keeps some pressure in the keg when the level has dropped. Its a Hambleton Bard one that although is quite old, it still has some gas left. I see that there are adapters to fill from a large cylinder to a Sodastream cylinder but I don't know if it would be any use on my HB one. I'll limit to one question and ask on the forum for any more advice or I'll never stop!
Welcome to the forum

I've been looking at the available kits and I really haven't a clue as to what kit would be better than all the others, There are so many now that I'll need to ask for some recommendations but I'll be willing to just try one on a spontaneous buy. Any suggestions will be welcome.

Favourite kits -