Help with my Dandelion Wine needed :(

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Active Member
Jun 13, 2011
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Hiya all,

So i picked enough dandelion heads to do 2 Demijohns but later forgot and made into 1 DJ.

my query is how is best if at all to split it into the 2

I was thinking give it a shake split into the 2, and a 2 lemons and a orange a tad more suger ?

Also would i be best adding a camdon seen as im reopening to the air ?

thanks in advance Dave
Divide whatever of the 2 demis-worth of ingredients you didn't put in between 2 demis, divide the existing brew between them, should be right
With an active yeast colony no need to worry about oxygen, and a Campden will just annoy the yeast, so no.
I know dandelion and burdock is made from roots
But never Hurd of the flowers being used what's
This wine going to taste like!!??
It's got me really curious

Can u give some detail of ur method?
Or just let us know how this turns out in the future!
The taste is hard to describe when I don't have a glass of it in front of me, but I make it every year since I started, we like it here.
It's a pleasant white, occasionally perhaps slightly peppery.
There are a few threads with methods for making it about the forum, but in brief:
Pick a gallon of dandelion heads, snip off just the petals into a fermenting bucket, you don't have to lose all the green stuff but try to lose all the stems with the milky stuff
Then for a couple of days you do flavour extraction - cold water, hot water, with or without sugar, maybe some raisins, take your pick. I think most recipes use hot water and sugar. And a Campden to kill any nasties living on the petals
Strain and get some yeast in and any other ingredients (nutrient, tannins [possibly from raisins], acids, etc)
Proceed as normal

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