@Chippy_Tea Hallow m8
If you can either PM me (never a problem) or i'll try my best to sift through whats what.
Think what you said and the advice given, the way ahead is small batches. I loved my experiments on Carboys.
Wheelchair bound, everthing lower and accessable.
Is no probs with your arms?
One suggestion, if you get a small fridge & make it into a fermentaion fridge.
Get a Brewbucket Mini (ok not cheap, but last for ever)
Think they up to 13L.
The beuty you may ask ref. the weight.
As long as you can the batch into it (i spend years prove of consept lol )addapting tools etc.
Fermination, dry hop, cold crashing no problems.
The key is getting the beer out via grafity into bottling bucket.
After the boil & whirlpool, i always use one o these badgers.
Armed with one o theres.
Another view lower down, when i wasnt able to stand up.
Even the placca FV's can be used.
This is the 27l Brewbucket.
Wheelchair view in my old brewery.
A beer kit the other year.
right ill stop here, canny novel.

Where about are you?
Pity if you were near i could get one o my minis over to and other kit.
And hatch a plan.
Never a problem take care.