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Looks like a nice one :thumb:

re: the airlock - check that the lid is clipped down properly and that there is a good seal around the rubber bung that the airlock passes through. The c02 will escape by the easiest route. :)
thanks wez, you were right about the airlock, seems that lid of the plastic bin is not airtight, although it seems to fit so tight i couldn't get it off again

The other thing i noticed is that i made 25 litres of beer rather than 5 gallons!!!!!! thought it was the same thing :oops:
pansub said:
The other thing i noticed is that i made 25 litres of beer rather than 5 gallons!!!!!! thought it was the same thing :oops:

Don't read too much into that. 5g is 22.75 litres and the markings on the buckets are never spot on.

What was your original gravity?

Oh. 1044. It would have come out as 1048 if you had spot on 5g.

It'll still be fine!
Hi all,

after 7 days there seemed to be no action in the airlock so I moved this to a secondary fermenter, gravity only came down to 1020 from 1044, I wonder why?? :wha:

I carefully siphoned the beer into the second fermenter and it starting driping out of the tap, so had to quickly wash out another bucket and pour it in, so lots of oxygen introduced. :cry:

i am going to put it into a king keg this sunday and hope for the best :hmm:
that is quite high. it sounds like it's either stuck or the yeast dropped out of suspension.

you'd be better off sanitising a spoon and giving it a stir and kicking up the sediment and see what happens over the next two days rather than racking
Thanks I’ll give that a go tonight.

I am thinking that you are right and the yeast dropped out of suspension, it makes sense as we had 2 power cuts in the last week so who knows what the temperature dropped down to.

Wonder if enough yeast went into the secondary fermenter to get it going again.