So I kept getting a nasty plasticy after-taste to my brews and I figured it was probably the bin - it was old and a bit scratched. I bought new bins and cleaned and sterilised them and did an expensive kit. And guess what - the brew has a nasty plasticy after-taste to it. It reminds me of the smell of the inside of a bin so I'm assuming that's where it comes from but I really don't know.
Any ideas?
I tend to clean my bins after a brew (soap and water), let them dry and then store them with the lids on to keep them clean. Then when I do a brew I clean them again (soap and water) and sterilise them carefully as per the steriliser instructions. I'm pretty meticulous about cleanliness.
I'm at (or perhaps past) the point of giving up but if there's something I'm definitely doing wrong that I can fix maybe I'll try that one last kit I have waiting to be done...