help needed i think?

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Feb 15, 2013
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Hi all . i bought a starter kit from the range, and a pilsner kit. i followed the instructions to the letter and started it all off on Sunday 12th. it bubbled vigourously for a couple o days and developed a frothy head , now it all seems to have subsided and i am left with a bit of froth on top as it has all died down. it smells very sweet. i didnt have a hydrometer at the start so have nothing to compare it to but i do have one now, and it reads 1.018. my hydrometer has 3 coloured increments at the top , red yellow and green . this figure is at the very bottom, about to enter into the red , nowhere near the yellow or green. the kit says to leave 10 days then bottle. i am wondering if it has come to a stop due, if at all, due to temperature. it is sitting at between 17 and 19 degrees in front room, depending if the heating is on or not.or am i just worrying and should i leave it till wednesday (day 10) at least. your advise as to where to go from here would be appreciated
Hi Jim,basically take the kit info with a pinch of salt m8,temp is slightly low but nothing to worry about it will just take slightly longer to ferment out.Let it carry on fermenting & check it in a few days, when the hydro readings stay the same over 3 consecutive days it's finished, leave it for a couple more after it's finished for the yeast to clean up & prime/bottle or keg.Don't try & rush it :nono: & enjoy :thumb: :cheers: ken.
thanks Ken. Thats what i was hoping someone would say. If the hydro readings stay as high as it is now tho, for 3 consecutive days, is that too high? does this mean that the sugar hasnt all been used up, fermentation not took place fully. i dont want to rush it but likewisw want to take remedial action sooner rather than later if need be
Having not done kits I cannot say if 1018 is high. I leave mine in primary for 11 days then test 3 days. That has always been constant at 1012 about 70% conversion
I then chuck it in a cold place for a day or two before barrelling.
mmm. because we work full time and we only put the heating on when we get in the temp in our living room does fluctuate depending on the weather. i am wondering, would it be beneficial to use a aquarium heater, to keep the temperature at a constant 20 degrees. there is no room in our airing cupboard so i have the bucket in the front room.i am just concerned of how to run the lead into the bucket without risking infection getting in
hi jim , your on to a good thing there only place the fv into a larger bucket with water in it (some use builders buckets , i have 70l containers around £7 from budget stores ) and place heater in bucket not fv , and also get 2 digital aquarium thermometers with probes (£4) the reason is place 1 in fv and 1 in bucket , the yeast heats fv up by around 2 to 3c in the first few days but will drop to water bucket temp after that so you can see real fv temp and adjust heater as needed.
1.018 is a bit high to bottle. If it doesn't shift from there have a read of the stuck fermentation in the how to section.

Re aquarium heater, get a larger vessel, something like this which you can fill with water and put an aquarium heater in (and your fv of course) :thumb:

Edit: Pittsy can type faster than me :lol:
That is perfect, would i need the water level in the container at the same level that is in the FV or will a few inches in it heat up all the liquid in the Fv. This seems a great way to go for me as i van then put it all in the garage if i can keep the temperature constant.
trikerjim said:
That is perfect, would i need the water level in the container at the same level that is in the FV or will a few inches in it heat up all the liquid in the Fv. This seems a great way to go for me as i van then put it all in the garage if i can keep the temperature constant.
Exactly mate :thumb: yes a few inches lower than fv level is ideal (p.s fill it after placing fv in as a third is enough to overflow if fv placed in after)
wicked, thanks for the idea guys. thats that sorted then B and Q it is tomorrow. happy days. :cheers:
I would also add the water to your bucket around 18-20c otherwise it will take the heater some time to bring it up to temp, especially if it is straight from the tap at this time of year :thumb:

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